Hi !,How are your cells feeling?I want to reach out to have a revisit of the Syntropic Agroforestry course we gathered around weeks ago... wow, time has flown by it seems.I am running another Syntropic Foundations course in a month or so and will mak...
Hi !,Finally, a follow up from me! I want to give you the promised resources and want you to know there is more if you are super keen to dive deeper into more learning about the application of syntropic systems! For now,Download the last PowerPoint p...
Hi !,Download last weeks PowerPoint presentation here:https://icedrive.net/1/6dTjcCqiOSDownload the edited video recording here: https://we.tl/t-bNAaYHadyJ3rd Presentation Syntropic Agroforestry with Souvereign Yay!Time: Jul 10, 2021 09:00 PM Asia/Ma...
Hi !,I hope the last email found you well. I have been thinking about more relating as there may be more things to share and take in so i have created a group here: https://community.bravenewlife.net/group/syntropic-agroforestry-course-groupI will sl...
Hi !,Download the Introduction, the main par (1.2) t or part 3 (1.3) from this link below:https://we.tl/t-yUqF0rKeUQTopic: Syntropic Agroforestry Course - Week 2 Time: Jul 3, 2021 09:00 PM Asia/MakassarJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/...
Hi !,I am so sorry that we got cut off and that I went overtime as much as I did. I realize some of you would have had to plan for that and I am willing to be better prepared for the second presentation.The last 15 minutes or so will be edited into t...
Here is the link if you missed it: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83409336807?pwd=dzgwa1NGRnVxY3pYNFZrd1R1U2dQZz09
Yay Here we go!Finally, I am catching up on after epic week navigating in BNL digital tech land. For those of you who don't know I created a number of new aspects to this online community. Ask me for details if you like :)Your personal information....
Hey love,I wanted to resend you this email because well, my course in Syntropic Agroforestry is starting on the 26th of June.This course is a follow-up on the original Course in Syntropy which has become the common ground for our Brave New Life Commu...
Hey love,Well, it has been a roller coaster falling in love and now being solo for another 2,5 months because my beloved Colleen is looking after her parents in the US.So! time for action! My course in Syntropic Agroforestry is starting on the 26th o...