Happy New Year!,Greetings! I am so glad 2021 has arrived. With 2020 in the rearview mirror, I am looking forward to all the possibilities ahead of us. New Year's was quiet for me, just an evening at home with my husband. The end of 2020 was very busy...
,Thank you very much for giving me a chance to land in your inbox every month. Despite the fact this didn't work out I really appreciate it. No need to do anything, I'll remove you from my list within 30 days of this email. Should you ever change you...
Happy Holidays!Hello ,I love the holidays! I love the lights! I love the music! I love the gifties! I know, I know. I'm ...huminah... years old and I still love Christmas presents. Like inordinately love getting Christmas presents. My husband thinks...
Thanks for signing up for all the latest news from me!I think you must have missed my latest email, boy was it a good one too! But that's okay, if you just hit the little red button below and confirm that shouldn't happen again. Want to be extra sure...
Happy Holidays!Hello ,I love the holidays! I love the lights! I love the music! I love the gifties! I know, I know. I'm ...huminah... years old and I still love Christmas presents. Like inordinately love getting Christmas presents. My husband thinks...
A HUGE HISTORICAL ROMANCE BOOK FAIR & GIVEAWAY!,To share my upcoming release His Not-So-Sweet Marchioness (Lustful Lords, Book 4) I participated in a Historical Romance Book Fair that includes an awesome giveaway, so hop on over and check it out!...
A HUGE HISTORICAL ROMANCE BOOK FAIR & GIVEAWAY!,To share my upcoming release His Not-So-Sweet Marchioness (Lustful Lords, Book 4) I participated in a Historical Romance Book Fair that includes an awesome giveaway, so hop on over and check it out!...
Lustful Lords - Bk 4 UpdateI know many of you are eager to hear when book 4 will be ready...well, His Not-So-Sweet Marchioness is currently with my editor. And the Lustful Lord featured in the book will be...the Marquess of Flintshire! My tentative r...
Lustful Lords - Bk 4 UpdateI know many of you are eager to hear when book 4 will be ready...well, His Not-So-Sweet Marchioness is currently with my editor. And the Lustful Lord featured in the book will be...the Marquess of Flintshire! My tentative r...