The Works #4 - Caspian Porter Reminder - 3 days left
Jan 19, 2024 10:01 pm
Hey everyone,
This is just a reminder that Caspian Porter TPB campaign is ending in 4 days. Its also your last chance to grab the LIMITED issue 0 variant! Please get your pledges in soon if you were planning to. The campaign ends on Tuesday and I'll be sending out digital copies and ordering prints right away to speed up the delivery time!
Future Sci-Fi Tales: Starfall on Kindle
Last years anthology, Future Sci-Fi Tales is out on Kindle. If you have a kindle reader you can download a copy for $3.99, I believe this shows up on Comixology as well. This book has been on Kindles top 100 Anthology book section!
Drew D. Lenhart
SnowyWorks LLC.