Hope You'll Stick Around, {{contact.first_name}} 😊

Sep 16, 2022 3:16 pm


Hi, there, !

I hope you're doing well. First and foremost, I want to thank you for being part of the SJF Books newsletter regardless if you've just joined or have been with me for years. Some of you have come here through in-person appearances, because you've made a purchase, because you liked what you saw on social media, or because you participated in a giveaway. With all of the myriad ways to join this newsletter, I'm again going through the process of updating and streamlining my mailing list, and I want to make sure you'd like to stick around and get the exact content you want to read. So, please click on this link to join the updated list. For those who've been on the list for a while, this is a continuation of the newsletter in May asking what kind of content you would like to see, so if you answered that one, then you should be fine. I will keep the current one for emergencies, but most communication from now on will happen on the new, updated list. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and thank you for joining me on this journey! Truly appreciate it. 😊

Oh! And if you'd like to join my new SJF Books community, I invite you to do so here (aka, I'm in the process of phasing out Patreon so bear with me on that).

Be well,


PS: Next week is the BWSL's "Celebrating the Stories of 'Us'" Conference with BWSL (Wednesday, September 21, 2022–Saturday, September 24, 2022)! I'm so looking forward to it, and I hope to see you at the book signing on Saturday, September 24, 2022, which is free and open to the public.

