2022 Is Here, {{contact.first_name}}! Let's Make It Fantastic!

Jan 05, 2022 3:11 pm


Hi, there, !

What. A. Year!

2021 had so much promise for everyone after the upheaval of 2020, but I think a lot of that 2020 energy carried over into 2021. At least for me, it did. However, I have to believe 2020 prepared us to navigate peaks and valleys much better, especially since I think 2021 was a year of recalibration. There were some very lovely highs for me, including doing an interview with KDP, starting a column for a national outlet—about Costco of all things!—and teaching a class about publishing.

Oh, and I graduated from grad school too!

I also had some lows, including losing more friends (though not COVID-related) and learning anew how to absorb when opportunities don't come into fruition.

I have many goals for 2022, and I hope they do realize, but if they don't, that will eventually be okay too. I have to believe the Nos we get in life are to clear the way for the Yeses that are meant for us, even if we don't understand it at the time, even if we WANTED it at the time.

As you know, I didn't write much this year, but that was because I was editing! I was able to add new clients this year that I hope to work with again, including more major publishers and renowned authors. But this year, I've promised my agent and, more importantly, myself, that I will finish at least two manuscripts to go out on submission. As much as I love the indie space, I want someone else to do the heavy lifting for publishing most of my books these next few years. And this isn't to say there won't be any indie releases. I have plans for that too.

Anyway, I hope your 2021 was a much better year than 2020. If it wasn't, I'm so sorry to hear it, but please celebrate that you are HERE and have the chance to turn the page with 2022. What are you most looking forward to this year? What are the books or stories you hope will help make your 2022 just a little bit brighter? I wish you peace, joy, and resilience for the upcoming year and beyond. Thank you so much for sticking with me for the past year and I hope to see you in the next!

Be well,


PS: I'm trying something new this year. Don't know if I'll be consistent with it, but if you want to hear the text of this e-mail, click here.
