appearances: hey {{contact.first_name}}, ever been behind the scenes?

Nov 07, 2023 3:06 pm

Hi, ,

I've been an author for a while, and one of the things I've realized is being an author means being an influencer. But beyond that, learning influencer skills can help beyond social media or being An Influencer™. These skills can be applied in all aspects of life, especially if you are an entrepreneur or starting a project on your own, and I'm thrilled to be part of a FREE summit that can teach others how to learn and harness those skills. To learn more, continue reading below!


The Influencer Summit 2023 is like a sneak peek into the influencer game, where you'll learn how to be the star of the show. Just like how the real magic of a stage play or a fashion show happens behind the scenes, being a successful influencer is all about the hustle and grind that goes on offstage.

Lights, camera, action? Nah, not quite yet.

Before you can step into the influencer spotlight, you gotta know the ropes. It's like watching a bunch of twenty-somethings trying to get their makeup, hair, and nails done in under five minutes – you've gotta look the part!

That's what the Influencer Summit 2023 is all about, happening on November 15th and 16th. So, don't wait; grab your spot today and get a front-row seat to some industry pros who'll show you how to lead the way in your business.

Just like how models don't become supermodels overnight, influencers don't become influencers until they've mastered the art of social media, webinars, and all the other tricks to build a following. And here's the kicker – this Summit is all about influencers in business, just like you.

When was the last time you had the chance to hang out at an influencers' summit packed with successful business owners who've aced the game? Influencers from all walks of life are ready to spill the beans on how to get that following and make a name for yourself, no matter how under the radar you currently are.

Here's what you'll learn:

1. How to Turn Your Know-How into Cash Flow in the Business World.

2. The Secret Sauce of Mixing Digital Marketing and Building Your Tribe in Entrepreneurship.

3. The Insider Tips for Growing Your Online Business When Nobody Knows Your Name.

4. Connecting with Influencers Who've Faced Challenges but Still Shine Bright.

Don't miss out on this chance to rub shoulders with some amazing influencers who are willing to spill the tea on how they built their brands. Register now for the Influencer Summit 2023 ( and secure your spot!
