Happy Black History Month, {{contact.first_name}}! I hope you're doing well. :)

Feb 18, 2022 3:31 pm


Hi, ,

I hope 2022 has been going well for you so far. It's amazing that we're over halfway into February already, especially with everything going on in the world. I hope you all have been able to keep level and find joy where you can, and maintain your peace.

For me personally, it's been up and down, but some of the highs have been the 2022 Black Ink: A Charleston African American Book Festival that happened last month (which is why there was no newsletter last month - a lot going on in January!). However, you're able to watch clips, including the keynote from THEE Beverly Jenkins, on Black Ink Book Festival's YouTube page. I hope you're able to check them out.


I'm also participating in Romancing the Vote by auctioning off two one-hour chats with me where we can talk everything publishing, career, writing, etc. The auction is slated to close this evening, but given the fervent interest, the auctions may remain open beyond that. My apologies for just now getting this newsletter out to share the news. I've been under deadline and have just emerged long enough to send this out. Nevertheless, head over to the auction to bid! There are over 600 items available from fantastic authors and service providers. It is open to folks within and without the US. Best of luck!


Finally, while it's not a full novel from me, I am a contributor in a new release! Uwkeli: Searching for Healing Truth features South Carolina writers grappling with racism in the United States, and I was very humbled to be asked to participate. There is a book launch in Charleston, SC, on Saturday, February 19, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. at McLeod Plantation. If you're local to the area, I hope you're able to attend. More information can be found here. First fifty attendees gain free entry; normal admission to McLeod Plantation is $20 USD. To preorder Uwkeli, you can click here.

As always, I truly appreciate your support and patience with me. These past few weeks have been tumultuous with life and projects, but I'm hoping things will start to level out and I can provide more timely updates (and hopefully future ones will contain news of upcoming releases!).

Let me know what you've been doing to find your joy and/or celebrate Black History Month these past few weeks. Would love to chat!

Be well,


PS: To listen to the text of this e-mail, click here.
