Your Purple Crayon

Nov 13, 2024 9:34 am

Dear Firestarter ,

Last Saturday, I watched "Harold and the Purple Crayon" with my children. Something stirred in my spirit as the young Harold drew his world into existence with a simple crayon. This isn't just a children's story—it's a powerful metaphor for what I've been called to share with you through this newsletter.

Welcome again to ‘The Firestarter Collective Newsletter’.

When you hear "Firestarter," what comes to mind? 

A Firestarter is a force to be reckoned with, someone who sets the world ablaze with their talent, voice, and presence. They carry a heightened sense of purpose and a burning desire to make a meaningful impact in the world.

Like Harold with his purple crayon, Firestarters understand that creation begins with courage—the courage to confront chaos and transform it into order, to question prevailing narratives, and to stand up for what they believe to be true. They don't just possess tools; they embrace their inner fire, their passions, and their creative impulses, with an unwavering belief in their own potential and the God who backs them up!

Each of us possesses invisible but powerful tools to create our reality.

These tools might be our voices, our ideas, our courage, or our faith. Yet too often, these tools remain unused as we wait for permission, perfect conditions, or external validation.

But here's the truth that sets Firestarters apart:

📌 You are in divine partnership with the Ultimate Creator.

Think about that for a moment.

The same God who spoke worlds into existence has given you the capacity to create, to transform, to ignite change.

So I ask you: What will you draw into existence with this one beautiful life you have to live?

- Will you wait for the path to appear, or will you create it?

- Will you seek permission, or will you step into your authority?

- Will you watch from the sidelines, or will you become the author of your story?

This newsletter is here to keep reminding you and cheering you on; letting you know that you have everything within you to start creating, to start leading, and to start transforming your corner of the world.

Your fellow fire starter,

Shola Amaraibi

Poetic Visionary
