Founded by progressive educators, SchoolAdvice consults with students, families, educators, and independent schools.
Focused on Independent & Private school career opportunities. Simply the best place to explore new possibilities in Canada’s #topschools
School PODs provide in person education and quality care delivered by professional, experienced educators in a family’s or educator’s learning space. Offered in small groups of 5 to 8, School Pods are perfect for families seeking alternative education options for their Pre-K to 12 children.
SchoolAdvisor Prime for families and students. #SchoolAdvice #personaleducator #educationconsulting
SchoolAdvisor Prime: bespoke, on-going support, mentor ship, advice, and counselling that responds to the specific needs of families and students. #education4life #schooladvisor #schooladvice
Career opportunities in Canada’s top Independent & Private Schools. #teachingjobs #privateschooljobs #SchoolAdvice
The coming academic year 2020-21 will no doubt go down as the most difficult any school has ever faced. We connected with Heads of Stanstead College and Lower Canada College to find out how their schools are facing the challenge. To read what they had to say, go to the SchoolAdvice profile to access the blog. #backtoschool2020 #lowercanadacollege #stansteadcollege #boardingschools #schooladvice
SchoolAdvice #summeroffice Is busy the week as International families are looking to Canada for their children’s education. Hong Kong, Germany, Italy top the list.
SchoolAdvice is looking for a highly motivated individual to coordinate, manage, and set-up live online events for independent and private schools. Find out more about this exciting opportunity by visiting our profile and clicking the ‘Work with SchoolAdvice’ link. #workfromhome #virtualevents #SchoolAdvice #privateschoolevents #educationconsulting
Top Canadian Independent and Private Schools are in need of experienced, qualified educators and administrators. Find them on SchoolAdvice. Click the profile link and select Career Network to view a complete list of opportunities. #teachingjobs #topschools #educationcareers #boardingachooljobs #privateschooljobs
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