EP006: The Right Things At The Wrong Time

Most of the time, we already know what to do, and unfortunately most of the time, we also do what we WANT to do despite other people reminding us that we’re not ready to do or face the consequences that that something brings.That’s the problem I face...

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Mar 30, 2023
EP005: The Art of Knowing Yourself (feat. Jim Rohn)

Most of the people that I know are still comparing themselves to people around them. My mentees, and those who are entering our free Facebook community. And that’s the killer. That’s the thing that stops progress. That’s the ultimate de-motivator - i...

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Mar 24, 2023
EP 004: Start Things Right

There are always so many ways of going up to success, but there’s only one way to going down to failure and once you take that route, you will have a hard time finding where you can start again.Listen as I try to squeeze in a few tips and inspiration...

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Mar 18, 2023
EP 003: Breaking Walls

What is that wall that you can't break? What do you think hinders you from not being able to be where you want to be? A questions that can only be answered with all honesty. In this video, you'll learn more about what the usual walls are in pursuing...

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Mar 11, 2023
EP 002: Why One Must Endure

What's your "why" in enduring the struggles in building your own freelancing business, or any business? Here in this video, the question that we're going to dive into is what a few of our Dojo mentees are looking forward to that makes them endure of...

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Mar 04, 2023
EP 001: The Untold Beginning

Meet these three amazing people who is in the Freelancers' Dojo Community. Here they will share their story before they came in, when they met me, how they ended up inside the Dojo, and where they are now in their business building journey. Get to kn...

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Feb 25, 2023