Antagonistic pairs are two muscle groups attached at the same joint, that are opposite in placement in function. In combination with other surrounding muscles, these pairs create stability and have a unique interaction - When one of the muscles contracts, the other stretches and relaxes. The main antagonistic pairs of the human musculature are: The biceps and triceps (Yeah, it's your favorite, we know! The front and back neck muscles The abs and spinal erectors The quadriceps and hamstrings The front and back of your calves In your next arm workout, try this - When you come down from a biceps curl, flex your triceps and feel the stretch in your biceps! Tell us how it felt! #abs #body #motivation #fitness #fitnessphysique #strong #muscle #eatclean #exercise #determination #cardio #gym #bodybuilding #fitspo #biceps #calves
Water and Common sense
The right answer is... A- An Amino Acid! Taurine is an amino sulfonic acid that has been shown to affect mental health, cardiovascular health, and muscle function. The taurine content in food can vary significantly depending on whether it comes from animal or plant sources. The top 3 sources of taurine are - meat, eggs, and fish, but don't worry, taurine is NOT considered an essential amino acid, because the body can produce it on its own! #aminoacids #fitnessmotivations #deficiency #fitnessfamily #fitnessislife #vitamind #essentials #noadditives #nosugar #healing #fitnessislife #nutritioncoaching #nutritionmatters
Happy New Year!
Though advocated as extremely healthy, plant-based diets are proven to lack essential amino acids, needed for optimal functioning. This is because, unlike animal products, plants have incomplete amino acid profiles, making them generally suboptimal. Nevertheless, if you choose to be plant-based, make sure to combine a variety of grains, legumes, and beans, as they can compensate for each other's lacks and provide a solid amino acid content in your diet! #nutritionfacts #diethacks #diettips #healthylife #nutritiontips #nutritionfacts #gethealthy #healthydieting #weightlossfood #feedyourcells #weightlosssupport
The modern-day fitness industry has brainwashed people into believing that moving and eating well is all about gaining muscle or losing fat. The truth however is much deeper - The truth is that moving and eating well is at the core of human existence. When doing this, we take care not only of our body but also of the brain! It is a FACT that the brains of active trainees are healthier, sharper, and more capable! Do it for your body & brain and consider that looking good naked is just a side effect! #brainfit #healthyfood #fitness #neuroscience #brainhealth #brainchemicals #brainfittips #dopamine #motivation #brainhealthy #brainexercise #cognition
As soon as your side of Earth turns to the sun, daylight shines through your eyelids and that, ladies and gents, is the signal for your body to WAKE UP! Daylight is one of the key regulators of daytime neurotransmitters that make you more aware, alert, and awake! So if you're low on energy, wonder no more - Go out and get some sun, for that is what helped us exist in the first place! #energy #sunlight #daylight #healthysun #healthcare #skincare #skincareroutine #lovesun #summervibes #sun #sunheals #naturalbeauty #skincareessentials
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