What is a PMA?

Mar 08, 2024 9:23 pm

My apologies for writing in riddles.

What is a PMA? It is a Private Membership Association.

They have a fairly long (along with interesting and debated...) history in the United State.

The basic idea is simple - a PMA moves interactions between people from the public sphere to the private. It operates under the freedom of association guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

To put it differently, it (say many) removes the government from the equation.

See the appeal, especially to Rogue folks like us?

People are using PMAs in food and farming.


I even have seen a few PMA healthcare associations in action.

But folks have also ran into trouble with PMAs, such as our friend Amos Miller.

Given the varying opinions, Joel and I wanted to bring together some of the top pro and con people on PMAs, and give them a chance to make their case.

Thanks to everyone for the reminder to make sure I explain my acronyms!

Joel and John

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