What do you do when the government says you can't grow food?

Apr 02, 2024 3:44 pm

Remember stuff like this? No photo description available.

Before four years ago, most folks would look at you cross eyed if you said that because of a supposed sickness outbreak the government would prohibit you from buying... seeds. And other gardening supplies.

But they did (and did a great deal worse...)

And they are still doing similar nonsense today. Right now.

All across the country.

Have you heard about the resurrection of NAIS (The national animal idenfication system, aka, RFID chipping every animal in the country... except those raised in CAFOs...)

Have you heard about what is happening out west?

Reports are coming in from across Oregon that the state is using laws written to stop CAFOs and similar operations from destroying the environment to shut down... regular farmers and homesteaders. Market gardeners and folks running around with a pair of cows.

Now, who could have imagined that supposedly written to do one thing would be used to actually target innocent others?

This always raises the question - how do you stop this nonsense?

It really boils down to one thing... folks need to band together, and go rogue.

They won't stop until folks are willing to stop them.

All the good folks in Oregon need to band together and not comply and rally their troops to stop run amok government officials from destroying their livelihoods, state, farms, and freedoms.

Stuff like this is why we started RFC, to show folks how.

To encourage them to get into the game and stop just complaining.

So, will you get into the game, or are you just going to continue to complain?

RFC Polyface Tickets

John and Joel

PS, can't make RFC Polyface? Then preorder the event recordings here at a pre-sale discount while the sale lasts!

PPS... if you want to here more about what is happening in Oregon, this seems to be a factually based overview of the issues...
