Its for your safety (we promise, really we do)

Apr 09, 2024 11:32 am

When someone wants to take your stuff or your rights, rarely will they say,

"Hey, I am just a greedy, power tripping person and you best comply or else!"

It is one reason I always appreciated the mafia - while evil, at least they were honest and generally provided necessary services at more reasonable prices.

Not so with modern governments.

As I mentioned last time, the NAIS (national animal ID program) was scuttled in the US and other countries because of widespread pushback. If you weren't there in the early 2000s, it was a site to behold - folks showing up by the hundreds and hundreds to every USDA listening session and making the corporate shills squirm for hours on end.

But all over western countries, governments are making a big push to bring it or similar programs back, and in the UK, they have succeeded in the first steps.

Chicken registration is now mandatory across the country.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'TENET Media TANET @watchTENETnow 8h UK chicken owners must now sign up with the Government or face a potential £5,000 penalty as part of new regulations to fight bird flu. TONET NEDIA'

As C.S. Lewis talked about, though, it isn't because they want to create a few new jobs for their 2nd cousins on their sister's side who can't even successfully flip burgers, so they need to make him a bureaucrat so they need to create more jobs the governmental way... no, no, nothing like that.

Instead, you see, you need to pay this fee, you need to fill out this paper work, you need to register your this or that, you need to let us know all these things about you and your possessions and where you are going because... we need to keep you safe.

Yep, we love you, oh so so so much, more than your third grade teacher, and you really need to fork over all these freedoms and some fo your finances because we just really want to keep you safe.

Folks, this is the political parlor trick as old as time itself.

When the government is going to "keep you safe" from this, that or the other... you have never been less safe from the government.

Wherever you are, now is the time to be getting ready to oppose this nonsense, especially in the US. Now just nonsense iimpacting your animals, farmers, homesteaders, food supply and more, but perhaps your very life again.

RFC Polyface Tickets

John and Joel

PS, can't make RFC Polyface? Then preorder the event recordings here at a pre-sale discount while the sale lasts!

PPS... if you want to here more about what is happening in Oregon, this seems to be a factually based overview of the issues...
