Forty percent increase in food costs?

Apr 18, 2024 2:15 pm

There are many ways to try and get folks to realize why food freedom matters.

But one of the most effective talking points right now is to show that food (and so many other things) is rapidly becoming unaffordable in the United States.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'ANALYSIS: GROCERY PRICES NEARING 40 PERCENT HIGHER THAN IN 2019 SDI Productions SDIProductionsviaGetty via Getty'

Now, a bunch of us warned about this back in 2021 (just one example)... there is no such thing as "free money." Housing prices, energy prices, food prices.

They have all increased many times the small amounts of funny money the governnment gave people.

The ability for folks to grow, gather, barter, and otherwise access affordable local food is only becoming more important.

But what is happening across the US right now? They are making local, affordable food harder for folks to grow themselves or get from local suppliers.

Just yesterday morning a farmer called me because his health department had "paid us a visit."

They have been trying for six or so months to build a fully licensed and inspected facility. But they ran into some issues.

What kind of issues? Of the just to get their water up to the state's so called "safe standards" was going to cost... $30,000. Yes, just the water.

The total cost? Astronomical, the kind of money you only have laying around if you are a foreign country with the right name on the right handout list or a recent lottery winner.

But they were trying, and instead of helping their health department... decided to pay them a visit.

All across the country folks are pinched and pressed from the government stupidity of the past five years, and the government is committed to making it even worse.

As Joel said to me years ago when he pitched RFC, when the cost of compliance is too high and too long, circumvention is the best option.

Only two weeks left to snag tickets to Rogue Polyface, and see and learn first hand how folks are getting it done despite the needless roadblocks that regulators of all shapes and sizes are trying to put in their way.


RFC Polyface Tickets

John and Joel

PS, can't make RFC Polyface? Then preorder the event recordings here at a pre-sale discount while the sale lasts!

PPS... if you want to here more about what is happening in Oregon, this seems to be a factually based overview of the issues...
