Does anyone do free speech anymore?

Mar 08, 2024 6:35 pm

How do you handle when someone disagrees with you?

Or when you think someone is wrong?

It is one of the big challenges of our day... in the media, they tend to just scream and shout at each other. On social media... well, maybe even worse.

Joel and I don't agree on everything (who could have guessed it!). We even have disagreed with a number of the RFC speakers!

But that is part of what makes Rogue different. Joel and I know we don't know everything. We wanted to put on Rogue to learn, just like all the folks who come to the event.

And that is why we were excited to host the great PMA debate. You see, we have had a number of speakers speak about PMAs, and... they disagreed. Some were all for PMAs... some were against them.

Some had concerns.

Some thought people using them were crazy.

So, for this Rogue Joel and I wanted to see who had the stronger arguments.

Who had the better evidence.

Who could stand up to scrutiny when questioned.

And so the great PMA debate was born.

Four speakers (two for each side). They get to present on Friday to prep attendees. Then on Saturday, who moderated panel debates between the two sides.

Attendees can submit questions, and Joel and I will select and presubmit them to both sides so there will be no excuses, no gotcha moments, no I forgot my homework... just a chance for folks to make their case without drama, interruptions, name calling, and other such nonsense.

We think it is going to be fantastic (and we are thinking about doing this in other areas, like a Rogue Finance where Infinite Banking, Dave Ramsey, and more would be fair game...).

Where else can you go to find respectful, real debate on important questions and issues?

So if you want to spend a few days getting bathed in food freedom, free speech, real food, farm tours, fresh air, and more, come join us in May.

Joel and John

RFC Polyface Tickets
