Just ten days left to snag seats

Apr 22, 2024 2:25 pm

There are just ten days left to get tickets to RFC Polyface.

A supporter of RFC and our work gave us some money to discount a limited number of tickets for this last week, so use code RFC30! for 30 dollars off thanks to their generosity!

Also, a number of folks asked about a Saturday ticket option.

So, here you go - a Saturday only ticket for those who can't come both days.

You get the full event recordings, both meals, attendee gifts and more... and can join us just on Saturday for a fantastic day at the farm together.

So help spread the word - clock is ticking and this is folks last chance to join us in May and learn about PMAs, buying club, creative circumvention and more.


RFC Polyface Tickets

John and Joel

PS, can't make RFC Polyface? Then preorder the event recordings here at a pre-sale discount while the sale lasts!

PPS... if you want to here more about what is happening in Oregon, this seems to be a factually based overview of the issues...
