I joined Ship30 in Jan, 22 and published 30 atomic essays – one every day. Post the program I struggled with the consistency in publishing. Struggles The two biggest things that I have struggled with are – 1. “What should I write about?” 2. “Why wou...
Struggle to get your Inbox under control? I paid $200 for Hey.com subscription because of the promise it had for helping tame my Inbox. Later I realized, you can’t control Email with one tool. I now spend less than 10 mins each day on email. You need...
If you were an investment,what would be your worth? Before some people take offense to this, let me say this is not a value judgement about you, this is a thought exercise in calculating how much your Employer thinks you are worth.. Rule of 25 When d...
NFTs are all the rage these days, but many people don’t grasp what “Non-fungibility” actually means. Let’s start with Fungible.. It’s much easier to understand what Non-fungible means by first understanding what Fungible means. Merriam-Webster define...
Lesson in copywriting that I learned from my 7-year old daughter My daughter is in 2nd grade and sometimes she takes lunch from the school cafeteria. She told me a fascinating story about something that happened at lunch at her school. The “World Fam...

Welcome to the edition #2 of Mondays in Metaverse.. Technically, I have written more posts on the topic but that was before the newsletter. Anyhow, the topic for this week is Web3. Have you come across the term Web3 or Web3.0 recently and are wonderi...

This post is a Jobs to be Done analysis for Gold, the precious metal and comparing it to Bitcoin. If you are new to the Jobs to be done Theory, here’s a quick summary JTBD Theory JTBD was popularized by the famous Harvard Business School Professor Cl...
Starting Small may be one of the most powerful ideas related to Motivation, Productivity and Getting Things Done Here are 4 arguments why starting small is the best productivity advice you need today Argument #1 – Getting Things Done – GTD David...
I recently watched the series Ragnarok on Netflix. I am sucker for mythology – be it Indian, Greek, Norse or any other. I think the show does a great job in depicting how the Norse mythology would play out in today’s world and what role Gods and Gian...
Whatever you practice doesn't necessarily become perfect, but regular practice does make things go into your memory and become permanent. So, a better quote would be, "Practice makes Permanent". The post Practice makes perfect.. NOT! first appeared o...