Gift for everyone!

Sep 03, 2022 12:04 am


Hello from Rimmy!

I can't believe I've made you wait this long. I am SO SORRY! Let's not even think about how long some of you have been awaiting your signed paperback copies of "A Doggone Waterfront Shame" okay? 😉

But guess what? They're on their way! I'm so so excited to get these to you. But, perhaps I'm jumping the gun. Because when I say, they're on their way... what I mean is, they're on their way to ME! LOL. I still need to sign them and send them to you. 🙈


Stick with me here, I promise to do better in the future!

If you want to skip the line and just order a copy for yourself, click here! It's such a delightful cozy mystery with a clumsy, scraggly stray named Fred. He's the toast of the reviews so far, so I know I wrote him just how I imagined. 💕


A Doggone Waterfront Shame

If you didn't win, I still have something for you! My FREE series starter, The Secret of Poppyridge Cove (highly-reviewed and highly-loved ❤️) is a wonderfully chilling and adventurous read, with a very sweet romance to boot! If you haven't read it yet, click the link now because I'm changing it from free to paid SOON.

In the future, it will ONLY be available free as a goodie for those who sign up to my newsletter. So jump on and get your copy now because, guess what? You're already here! 😂

And there's one more thing. This one might surprise some of you who've been with me for a while. Here it goes... my seaside inn cozy mystery series isn't complete yet! There are five books so far (you can find them HERE), with the first four in a boxset and two more books to come!

You know what? I was going to wait to show you the cover, but hang it all! I'm showing you right now... here's the cover to book 6!


This one has been SO DIFFICULT to write for some reason. It's taking a LOT out of me, but I'm on the home stretch and REALLY LOVE where it's headed! This will be a story that gobbles you up from page one. Can't wait.

Well, that was unexpected. 😂 I meant to add so much more to this newsletter, but I'm worried your eyes will begin to glaze over and you'll get distracted by a passing cloud or nearby conversation. In short, I don't want to bore you!


So I'll just leave you with this...

I'd love to hear your favorite thing about fall! 🍁 It's coming soon and I adore this time of year. Mine is a tie between all the cinnamon fragrances and the incredible decor! I could have a fall-themed house all year long and be perfectly happy. 😊

Have an incredible day. ❤️


