{{contact.first_name}}, catch this 99 cent preorder!

Sep 27, 2023 10:25 pm



(Apparently this is the great emoji email! 😂)

Hello hello! I hope you're having a wonderful week thus far. The leaves are beginning to change color in my part of the world, 🍁 which is lovely because there are rows of trees behind my house that line the creek. So it's a pretty display. How about you?

Just two hours ago, I thought I'd be fun and toss a big beach ball into the pasture for my horses. But those beautiful animals showed a complete lack of excitement about the whole ordeal. 😔

Should I try the cows? I've heard they like playing games. Maybe horses are just more mature an animal. 😉 I'll try and get a picture if they do anything wild!

Writing life is going GREAT! I have a new book coming out on Monday and I have my fingers and toes crossed that it hits the market well. It's a big gamble every single time. I'd be lying if I didn't admit it's always stressful. 😅 If you'd like to help and you happen to see any of my posts, please press the like button and share or recommend it if you can! That would be so incredibly helpful. 💕 Or just forward this email to anyone you think would like the discounted price RIGHT NOW... because...


Dark Highways and Dogging Clues is 99 cents for the next five days only!

Preorder Now!

Click that little button above to snag your copy. A lot of you have already gotten yours, and guess what? It has led to my best preorder yet! THANK YOU A MILLION ZILLION BILLION! Because of you, I get to keep writing books.

I can't thank you enough. 🥲

Have an incredible autumn! 🎃 And hit the reply button if you'd like to chat or if you have any questions at all. I'm here for you. A few of you have really saved me prior to release day when I didn't realize my links weren't working! 😱

(Is it annoying if I say thank you AGAIN?)


Happy reading,


🛑 P.S. Want to browse some free books? Check it out! 🛑





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Savannah Taylor
