Shocking!! Don't miss this one...

Jan 19, 2022 2:09 am


Warning: Rare .99 cent deal below!

Hello from Middleton,

First off, I was so shocked to hear over a thousand of you were filtered out of my last TWO emails! I am so sorry, please accept my most sincere apologies.

But on the good side...

You have so many goodies to catch up on! Including tons of free cozy mystery novellas, like my very own Two Shakes of a Hangman's Noose

(if you haven't read it yet, definitely click the link and start today! It's such a fun start to my all-new cozy mystery series... and only for my newsletter list.)


Looking for new reads? Click the button below for an incredible list of free cozy mystery stories from multiple authors!

free cozies!

What else have I got for you? Keep reading, because I heard from SO many of you asking to know if my Secret of Poppyridge Cove would be offered on additional platforms along with Amazon. And I'm super excited to tell you... it's available everywhere RIGHT NOW!

(There might be a few stores I'm not in, but I did my very best to get it out!)

Now you can read my most popular series on Apple, or Kobo, or Google Play... you get the idea :)

To celebrate, I set the price at .99 cents! I won't have it at that price for a LONG time after this sale, so go get it now! Did you read it on KU? Buy a copy for your kindle so you can have it forever. ❤️

More books will be coming out wide and I'll plan sales around each one, so keep checking your inboxes and keep an eye out for my name. Again, I'm so sorry if you've been wondering where I went, I feel terrible about it! I'll be adding a list of links for all my available books below to get you caught up.

Wishing you a wonderful week!



Seaside Inn Cozy Mysteries

  1. The Secret of Poppyridge Cove
  2. A traitor at Poppyridge Cove
  3. Stranded at Poppyridge Cove
  4. Danger at Poppyridge Cove
  5. Murder at Poppyridge Cove

Megan Henny Cozy Mysteries

  1. Two Shakes of a Hangman's Noose
  2. A Doggone Waterfront Shame (part of a Midsummer Murder boxset!)
  3. Sniffing Out The Spy (coming soon!)


  1. His Broken Past (Will be releasing on KU, or preorder now!)

*if you'd like to read more about my new pen name, check out the Facebook page here...

Savannah's Page
