A free book and update from Rimmy!

Aug 12, 2021 8:12 am


Hello Readers!

I've been deep in the trenches of late, writing book #6 in the Seaside Inn Mystery Series (btw-it's up for preorder now!) and starting an ALL-NEW COZY MYSTERY SERIES as well. I can't wait to bring you all the links and show you all the covers!!

Are you searching for your FREE BOOK? Well, look no further. CLICK HERE for your free copy of book #4 in the Seaside Inn Mystery Series, Danger at Poppyridge Cove, and start reading now! I love giving you guys stuff, so stick with me here. ;)

You've probably noticed some changes to my website at www.rimmylondon.com, so I wanted to explain those. My different genres are all sooo fun to write, and I'm going to keep bringing them to you!! ...but they don't play well together on Amazon. I needed to split them up, so Rimmy London will be sticking with cozy mystery and I will be releasing new pen names for my sweet romance genre and one for suspense and thriller.

Lots to read!

Which above genre are you most excited about? Click the reply button and let me know!



