So many freebies!

Jan 05, 2022 12:47 am


Hello from Middleton,

It's a small country town in between here and there that I call home. Such a great place to write. As I type this I'm looking out at a hill in the distance covered with snow and four shiny metal grain silos. In front of that, there's a MASSIVE barn under construction at a house with no animals... and I'm curious enough that I might have to go ask some questions.

(Do you read OFF of Amazon? Announcement for you below!)

But, on to the breaking news first! I have freebies for you! It turns out, my little novella series starter is in a bundle with LOTS of other free cozies. Just click this link to browse...

free cozies!

I was REALLY hoping to have a brand new romance preorder ready for you, but the image is taking longer than I'd expected to be delivered. So if I get it, I'll edit this email asap! If not, I'll cry a little and then get over it. LOL.


I know people have lives and things happen, so I'll be a big girl and wait patiently. *wink. But I will NOT wait to tell you who is taking over the romance department here at Rimmy London.

(actually... there's no department, but it sounded cool, right?)

I'm handing over the reins to Savannah Taylor

(It's still me! This is a pen name for romance so the little online universe bots stay happy. It's our secret.)

You can click her name to get a glimpse of the Facebook page. It's very new, and still going through some changes, but I'd love for you to hop on over and say hello! It's SO much work getting off the ground in this business, and every little bit of support means a LOT. Thank you so much!

Also, if you're not an Amazon or KU reader... the Seaside Inn Mysteries are going wide! They will still be available on Amazon, but will also be slowly transitioning to EVERY online book retailer. Kobo, Google Play, Apple Books, you name it! This process takes a while, but I'll keep you updated.

That's all for now! Happy reading and have a wonderful week.


