{{contact.first_name}}, life is a tricky thing. 🌎

Sep 19, 2023 7:02 pm



You know, I was thinking back to the times I've been completely absorbed in a book and wondering how that might've helped me in my life. And here's what I've come to... there would be a lot more runaway moms if we didn't have amazing books. 😂 Because sometimes you just want to get out there, right? Go see the world! Have an adventure!

But, you're kind of important now.

You have little humans relying on you.

You can't be reckless with your body.

Or your time.

Or your money.

So... that adventure begins to sound a lot less appealing. Maybe you could just take the whole family with you and multiply your expenses by ten or twenty?

And that's about the time you close your laptop and drive them to soccer practice or go to the grocery store. But, you know what? It's okay to be a little boring 🤓 because I would place a pretty hefty wager on the fact that it's the little things every day that make us truly happy. Not the big, grand trip.

Not the fancy things. Not time away. Just living a good life and finding activities your family enjoys.

(so how do you not run away when your adventure side starts tapping you on the back?)

tap... tap... tap... tap...

Is that annoying yet?

tap... tap... tap... tap

Okay, I'll tell you! You get lost in a book, that's how! But yeah, you knew I was going there. 😉

Tell me the books you've gotten the most lost in! I'd love to hear all about it. A few of mine are the famous "cat mysteries" by Lillian Jackson Braun. I used to push my kiddies to the library and check them out by the handful! They're great. I love Quill. And Koko and YumYum. 🐈 Next is, obviously, Harry Potter. I was lost for a lot of years in those pages. Happily. And the most recent is a domestic thriller by B.A. Paris titled Behind Closed Doors. I ignored life and read the whole thing in a day. And it was a day well spent. 😅

I hope my books help you to get marvelously lost! And now, if you've made it this far, I wanted to let you know I set my next book release at .99 cents while it's on preorder! I don't usually do this, but I wanted to get a good amount of preorders for this one to help with release day. I will bump the price to $4.99 after that. (which is still a great deal.) But if you want to get your very own copy Dark Highways and Dogging Clues while it's on preorder, here's your chance! Can't wait to get this one out into the book world.

Preorder Now!

Happy reading, and I can't wait to hear from you!




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Savannah Taylor
