How far will this go? Plus, a fair warning from me... ❤️

Sep 28, 2021 7:26 am


Hello Cozy Readers!

Guess what? Bookbub is showing me some love tomorrow for Murder at Poppyridge Cove, and this is something I've never tried before! Good thing, too, since this poor book is struggling to be seen in the mass of Amazon books. It's currently at 9 reviews. LOL. SOB. LOL. (those are totally normal emotions to put together, by the way, 😂 )

(Bookbub is a book promotion site used a lot by indie authors like me. it's helpful to get that marketing boost when you're working so hard all by your onesie, savvy? (to quote my favorite pirate, Jack Sparrow ❤️ ))

It's a little terrifying and exciting all at once, but I can't wait to see how far it goes! Cue the nail-biting and pacing the house... I'll be sure to post an update in the next email so we can CELEBRATE together! 🎉

Also, there's something we need to talk about, me and you. I wanted to give you plenty of warning in case this was something that would affect you personally. So, here goes... my titles will not be in Kindle Unlimited forever. I'm working on moving the entire Seaside Inn Mystery series out of KU (it will still be available to purchase on Amazon) and "going wide".

This means my books will be published on almost all platforms including Apple, Kobo, and Google Books. It's definitely an exciting change for me! But in case you do your reading on Kindle Unlimited, I wanted to give you plenty of time to get this series in before that starts. Let me know your thoughts on this! I'd love to hear from you anytime.

And that catches us up! I'm already trying to stop myself from watching all my favorite Christmas movies and am hoping for more than the one sad dusting of snow we got last year. Hey, if I'm going to freeze my tail off in Idaho, I'd better get some snow out of it! (says this native California girl 😉 )

Till next time, I'm wishing you the best. 💕


