Let's work together on this one!

Oct 05, 2023 1:53 am



Guess what? It's out!

Dark Highways and Dogging Clues is out in the world and getting some stellar reviews. "Best book in the series by far" is the particular wording that stands out to me most.

(Awwww 🥰 thank you!)

I really had a great time with this one, and I think it shows in the storyline. You'll come to fall in love with... well, maybe I won't spoil it for you. 🤐 You'll just have to read it yourself. Plus, I'd really love to give this new release a little boost in sales. So, go! Grab your copy, snuggle up on the couch, and get lost in the newest Rimmy London cozy... if you dare. ☠️ 😉


Dark Highways and Dogging Clues

Happy reading,




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Savannah Taylor
