2025 Is The Year Of The Charter Review Commission Elections The Home Rule Charter: Our "County Constitution"The Home Rule Charter is often referred to as our "County Constitution." While there are some advantages to having a Charter—Clark County bein...
WATCH VIDEO DESCRIBING THE LIFE AND DEATH OF CHARTER #18 County Council Rejects Raising Taxes... For NowOne of the final acts of the "Republican" County Council was holding firm against raising taxes despite significant pressure. Many elected officia...
Auditor Kimsey's Charter Amendment #18 FAILS By 304 VotesInstead of ensuring Clark County was adequately prepared for the 2024 General Election, Auditor Kimsey focused on defeating a citizens’ initiative, the Restore Election Confidence (REC) initiat...
FROM BENTON CAMPAIGN: DON’T SHARE PUBLICLY, PLEASE HELP THEM CURE BALLOTSWe are close!!! We have to put an Army in the field the next 3 days. We are also putting a phone bank to work the next 3 days. Please-PLEASE call trusted friends and recruit som...
BALLOTS BURNED FOR HOURSWATCH ONE MINUTE VIDEO OF THE FOUR HOURS BURNINGLast week, I was the first to release surveillance footage from the Fishers Landing ballot box that was firebombed on October 28th (similarly to the October 8th incident in downt...