UPDATE: Clark County Voting System Complaint Is...

Feb 15, 2023 1:49 am

Deputy Secretary Of State Caught Red-handed In Lies To Dismiss Complaint Of Clark County Voting System Errorsimage

Last week the Deputy Secretary of State, Randy Bolerjack, notified me that after careful review, he decided to dismiss my complaint based on mostly lies and standards that are not required by Federal law or described on the form they provide to use to file complaints. Basically, they are trying to make this go away on technicalities, hoping I'll crawl back into my hole and never come back.


Mr. Bolerjack said I did not include my phone number (lie #1), wasn't notarized (lie #2), and didn't include proof of notifying the respondent, Clark County Auditor Greg Kimsey. Also, I know that someone picked up my complaint from the Post Office on 1/12/2023 but it wasn't stamped "received" until 1/18/2023 which could impact if the Benton recount errors are reviewed.

So, I requested SOS to send my complaint they had on file and you be the judge... I blocked out part of my phone number but you get the point, it's right there on the form.



Regarding it being notarized, they conveniently removed the back-side of the form that contained, wait for it, my notarized signature (this is a blank form since I didn't want to put out my signature and other info). I thought, "Well, maybe some low-level schlub in the mail room forgot to hit the 'two-sided' button while scanning." Yet, after I reviewed all the documents of the complaint I noticed other documents that were two-sided WERE scanned and put in the record but the most important page, the backside of the complaint form with the notary stamp, DIDN'T GET SCANNED INTO RECORD!!! What a happy little coincidence, don't you think?

Regarding the claim that I didn't send a copy to Kimsey, take a close look at the form, which has the WA SOS logo on it, and tell me if you see anything about needing to send a copy to Kimsey... but you won't find it because it's not there.

I'd say we caught Mr. Bolerjack, or his staff, red-handed in tampering with my complaint in order to dismiss... but that's not how this will end.

In Mr. Bolerjack's letter, he mentions that the final decision may be available for judicial review.

So, I'm preparing the application for judicial review and going to expose what not only the Auditor has done but also what the Secretary of State's office has done.

I love it... the more you dig and require accountability... the more corruption you find. Never give up!!!

I plan to file with the Clark County Superior Court ASAP. This process is going to cost money so if you'd like to chip in and help with legal costs, I'd be very grateful. A part of the Leftist's strategy is using our taxpayer law system against us and making us pay out of pocket, which can be very expensive. Click below and message me that you want to support.

Click HERE To Support The Legal Fight


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