UPDATE: Election Complaint Hearing - Patriots United "The Great Awakening" Tickets Available

Aug 10, 2023 3:26 am


imageToday, August 9th, I argued before Clark County Superior Court Judge Retsinas that the Deputy Secretary of State improperly dismissed my HAVA complaint. I'm not an attorney, by any stretch, but I poured over 100+ hours into this effort to move the HAVA complaint forward that alleges that Clark County Elections Department is operating WAY outside federal standards.

The courtroom was packed with supporters and many of us had a time of prayer before heading into court. This is as much a spiritual battle as anything else. Much love and props to all those that have supported this effort and showed up today.

I'll be getting a copy of the video recording and posting it when it's available. This hearing was for oral arguments only and the judge informed the court she wouldn't be making a decision today but will issue a decision after full consideration.

As the hearing started to unfold, the Assistant (Ellen Range) to Attorney General Bob Ferguson argued to try and convince the judge to throw out the Petition of Review on a technicality but the judge wasn't having it and pointed out that I petitioned the court to review his actions rather than the "rule." Yes, the State's main argument was that I was challenging the "rule" and of course, that's a more difficult process that funnels through Thurston County, which Inslee and the radicals firmly control.

The judge also seemed to be keen on my argument of proportionality by asking the State if the auditor's office was harmed in any way by not receiving a copy of my complaint. They responded that Kimsey was only deprived of the information, but no action was required or allowed for him to take. In other words, no harm happened, so Mr. Bolerjack's decision to dismiss was disproportionate to the outcome.

The State also tried to argue that I used an older form that had been discontinued but the judge caught them and mentioned that she couldn't see any updates so it must be the most up-to-date form. My argument was that I used a State-provided form that failed to direct me to send a courtesy copy to the Auditor. Plus, the form was vague, and it was very unclear at the time who the "respondent" might even be at the time of filing.

But the main argument that I presented was that Mr. Bolerjack fabricated evidence in an attempt to federally disqualify my HAVA complaint. He made up evidence that he stated as the reason to dismiss. He claimed that I failed to include my phone number or that I didn't notarize my complaint, but both were untrue.

Overall, I think the judge was very fair and asked good and engaging questions on both sides but seemed to be a little tougher on the State.

The Judge will make her decision and I'll let you know when I hear a decision.



Patriots United is bringing The Great Northwest Awakening to Clark County on October 21st. This is an all-day event with concerts, and speakers on topics including Medical Freedom, Parent's Rights, Government Overreach, Public Schools, 1A, 2A, Election Integrity and more.

Everyone who follows any Patriots United WA social media platforms or by email, current and veteran military, current and retired law enforcement, current and retired corrections officers, and current and retired first responders will Receive $15 off their ticket.

Use the following code: PUWVETLAW

Receive 50% off Front Row Seats with the code: PUWFRONTROW



If you have a business and want to become a sponsor of this incredible event where thousands of patriots will be attending, contact me and I'll send you sponsorship info. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME FOR SPONSOR INFO

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