Petition "Hearing" Results - We have just begun

Feb 04, 2022 6:45 pm

image4-1 Vote To Reject The Mini-Initiative

If you missed the news, the Clark County Council conducted the virtual, closed to the public, hearing on Tuesday and after a brief presentation, limited to 5 mins by a vote of 3-1 vote the previous week (Medvigy, Lentz & Bowerman for and Quiring O'brien against), public comments that were limited to 2 hours/2 minutes a caller, a presentation by a County (Democrat) lawyer that appeared to not have any constraints of time and went much longer than we the people were allowed and then a vote immediately followed because Julie Olson, supposedly a Republican, quickly made a motion to reject which was seconded by Lentz and Medvigy (not sure who got the official credit). A vote followed that resulted in 4-1 to reject (Olson, Lentz, Bowerman & Medvigy for, Quiring O'Brien against). wrote up a great article about the hearing that you can read here.


Here's some quick takeaways:

  • We the petition, the signers of the petition, didn't receive a "fair hearing" as Medvigy falsely announced at the end. Withholding the County's legal memo till minutes before voting and not giving the people an opportunity to respond is not a fair hearing.
  • The elected representatives, that we vote in, don't make decisions unless they have the support of Democrat lawyers.
  • Over 200 people gave up their Tuesday evening, even though we didn't publicly advertise but only shared via word of mouth and some emails.
  • More thoughts to come... please reply back with your takeaways.

Here's what I posted on my Facebook The Recovering Pastor page...

My fellow petition warriors, we did all we could at this time and made a valiant stand. We, for our part, won but when it got handed over to our elected representatives, they dropped the ball and chose to defend themselves & the beloved bureaucracy and we all saw it on full display.

We are stronger… they are exposed & weaker.

They had to pull out dirty tricks, tell lies and called Gov Inslee to send a bully letter to gin up opposition.

They had to defend discriminatory mandates while we defended liberty.

We’re stronger than when we started, better organized now and smarter to their ways.

This isn’t the end but it’s the beginning of the end to their tyranny.

Click here to read another great ClarkCountyToday article that captured Tuesday night from inside the tent. THE FIGHT GOES ON... THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!

The "5 Minute Petition Presentation"


Or watch Rob's presentation to the Councilors by clicking here. Remember, the Council only allowed us 5 minutes to present the petition and fortunately, Chair Eileen read the text of the ordinance or that would've taken up most of the only 5 minutes allowed (mind you, the democrat attorney was allowed as much time as she wanted)

"This is the first punch in a prize fight" and we have just begun.

If you weren't aware, Gov. Jay Inslee stepped in last minute and bullied the Councilors falsely that if they didn't reject it they he would and the Councilors would be even subject to criminal charges... how about that?!? I'd say we were over the target.



What's Next? An open letter from Angus Lee to the Councilors... Exposing all the elected Republicans that voted against this or refused to support the Petition efforts... much more.

(Sorry this email took a few days to get out. My wife's birthday was the day after the hearing and I work full-time and had to catch my breath)
