Restore Election Confidence Initiative Is Being Held Up By County Prosecutors - Gear Up For Jan 13th Caucus

Jan 05, 2024 2:40 am

County Prosecutors Flip-Flop on Initiative Rejection Reasons

On December 21, 2023, the Prosecuting Attorney's (PA) office tried to pull a fast one, claiming they were blocking the initiative from the ballot because it would "amend State or Federal law." But hold on to your hats, folks, because on January 2, 2024, they've changed their tune. Now, they're singing a new song, arguing that the initiative violates the "one subject" requirement, throwing around accusations of containing "at least three different subjects" without bothering to provide any specifics. Talk about a plot twist! Apparently, someone in the PA's office decided they needed a new script to keep "We The People" from even having the choice regarding the Restore Election Confidence initiative. Cue the eye roll.image

The Washington State Constitution, in Article 1, Section 4, boldly declares, "The right of petition and of the people peaceably to assemble for the common good shall never be abridged." Moreover, our Home Rule Charter, in Section 7.2, grants the good folks of Clark County the power of initiative, allowing them to propose ordinances unless limited by state or federal law. But here's the kicker: Clark County is a Home Rule Charter county, meaning we've got more autonomy than other counties. Home Rule counties and cities can't pass ordinances that openly conflict with state and federal law, but the PA's office is trying to play the 'if there's another law in the room, you can't dance' card. Ridiculous.

Here's the deal, the Charter puts a leash on the Prosecuting Attorney, explicitly limiting their powers to the question of whether "the subject of this initiative is within the scope of local initiative powers" (HRC 7.2 A). Well, spoiler alert: the initiative checks all the boxes outlined in HRC 7.2 A, 1-6. The PA's office isn't given the authority to pick an initiative apart but only to evaluate the subject regarding state and federal law.


Now, if the PA's office has a bone to pick with any proposed initiative, they've got one option – check a box. That's it, no more, no less. They don't get to arbitrarily kill it because they don't like it but that's what they are trying to do.

As you well know, anything can be challenged for legality. So, the fact that the PA's office is trying to off the initiative now is downright outrageous and won't fly. On the flip side, it's a spectacle to watch how far they'll go, revealing to the public their true colors. The PA's office is acting like lawless gangsters, flexing their muscles, armed with guns, buildings, cash, and lawyers, all funded by the taxpayers.

I'm eagerly awaiting their next move, which will likely be their last hurrah. Or maybe they'll choose to stay silent, realizing that with every letter, they're exposing their desperation and willingness to abuse power, tossing laws aside to maintain control and keep the little people out. The drama continues!"


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imagePrecinct Caucus Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024

Election of delegates and alternates for CCRP County Convention and discussion of issues for the CCRP Party Platform.

Caucus Locations

Please confirm your precinct at: Verify your precinct location as you may not be attending the location closest to where you live.

Doors open at 8:30am. Registration ends at 9:55 am. Photo ID required. Must be a Washington state registered voter and 18 years old. Please arrive early, parking may be limited at some locations. Meeting time from 10am-11:30am.image

Precinct Caucus Saturday Jan. 13, 2023

‍All the Caucus information is here. 

The caucus is the election of delegates and alternates for CCRP County Convention and discussion of issues for the CCRP Party Platform.

Be the Party!

All Republicans are welcome.

ICYMI: Auditor Kimsey Has An Ethics Problemimage

Yesterday, a second ethics complaint was filed against Auditor Kimsey.

Read the story HERE

Does anyone else see the irony that the elected official in charge of keeping a watchful eye on our County government, the County Auditor, is mired in ethical problems and is now being "audited?"

ICYMI: Restore Election Confidence Initiative Filed In Clark County

It'll come as no shock to many, that we've got a serious problem in Clark County —our recent election saw a dismal 26% turnout. What's more concerning? The lack of urgency from the folks at the top—the Auditor, County Council, and State officials. As a result, I've filed a new petition with the Clark County Auditor because the people have the final say and there are times when it falls in our hands to do something when our officials refuse to act.

Beyond the low turnout, the dismissive attitude of those in power brings us to this point. This year the County Council approved a $4.4 million request from the Auditor, despite valid concerns from the community and a promise to investigate issues raised. Also, Auditor Kimsey's response involved a misleading statement that has resulted in an ethics complaint adding to the growing mistrust. On both sides of the political aisle, many have expressed serious election security concerns that have lingered to the point that confidence in Clark County's electoral processes is hanging by a thread.


After careful review, with several attorneys, members of the Clark County Election Integrity Team, and Bill Bruch, WA GOP Chair of the State's Election Integrity Committee, the initiative submitted will address these core issues:

  1. Chain of Custody: Ensure the security and accurate reporting of ballots to the public from pick up to storage.
  2. Fraud Prevention: Stop illegitimate ballots from being sent out or counted.
  3. Voter Roll Cleanup: Ensure voter rolls are maintained 30 days before mailing out ballots.
  4. Transparency Measures: Install cameras at all drop boxes and processing areas.
  5. Post-Election Audit: A thorough examination after every presidential election.
  6. Timely Reporting: Provide the majority of results by the end of election day.
  7. Fraud Investigations: Address irregularities promptly and keep the public informed.
  8. Implementation Deadline: Ensure all measures are in place before the next scheduled election and place serious consequences for failure to do so.


Now, the road ahead won't be easy but it's doable. After the Prosecuting Attorney's office reviews and releases for signature gathering, we need 35,000 signatures in four months. Seems daunting? Remember, we pulled in over 10,000 signatures in just one month back in 2021. It's very doable, but we need everyone on board.

Here's What You NEED TO DO:

Stay Informed: Sign up for updates and stay in the loop.

Volunteer: Join the signature collection efforts.

Spread the Word: Every small effort makes a difference.


As we stand on the precipice of change, your active participation is the only forward to change. By signing up, volunteering, and spreading the word, you'll contribute to the collective effort of restoring confidence in elections.

Your voice is a catalyst for change, and your involvement is the key to shaping the future of Clark County don't wait for someone else to come to step up and fix this. Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin who told us long ago, "A Republic, if you can keep it."

If you are interested, curious, considering or just know someone who could be a good candidate for an elected office, reach out because we need to find people NOW to run in next year's elections. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME

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