Outrageous Impact Fees Approved - Hearing For Election Complaint Set For June 2nd!
May 05, 2023 12:53 am
Tax-N-Spend Sue Marshall & Others Vote To Raise Impact Fees For BG & Ridgefield 67%
On Tuesday, the County Council raised many of your taxes in the disguise of “impact fees.” Councilor Belkot was the only courageous one to ask questions and vote No on the schools requesting outrageous increases. Battle Ground & Ridgefield requested and got +67% increase.
Battle Ground: $6,397 to $10,760 = +68%
Ridgefield: $10,100 to $16,880 = +67%
Ridgefield voters have rejected capital facility increases (Bonds) THREE times in a row & the school boards “revised” their impact fees as a result & the Council undermined the voters by passing them this week. Some school districts were honest about lower enrollments and dropped their impact fees (Washougal & Green Mountain) while others stone-cold lied to the council and public that un-enrollment isn't happening but Councilor Belkot called them out and they backtracked and admitted the truth.
Councilor Medvigy was more concerned about getting lunch than doing his job to be the people's last resort at review and exercising the powers of the purse. He either doesn't have a clue or doesn't care of what's happening with everyday taxpayers and parents' frustrations with public education. He also put out a wild notion that impact fees aren't taxes and that the vote on the Ridgefield motion didn't somehow overturn the voters. Yet, voters rejected the capital facilities multiple times and the school officials admitted that they "revised" their needs after the bond rejection. Also, Ridgefield improperly used the last impact fees to purchase and break ground on the projects BEFORE voters voted and rejected them.
The only Councilor for the people is Belkot. We must work to get more like her on the Council.
As many might know, I filed a HAVA (Help America Vote Act) complaint that Clark County is conducting elections outside of Federal standards. That complaint, along with many others, was wrongfully dismissed by the Deputy Secretary of State. As a result, I filed a Petition of Review with the Clark County Superior Court to which the SOS office has still not filed a response. As a result, I requested and scheduled a hearing for June 2nd at 9:00am which will force the SOS office to respond, and ask for a judgment to overturn.
Meantime, Attorney General Ferguson filed a notice of appearance, which means he wants to be informed of all decisions and court motions. He's not happy the plebs are pushing back.
It's important that we have election integrity and voting systems that are accurate and reliable. As a result of the ballot counting errors discovered in the November 2022 recounts, the current voting system in Clark County is wildly incompliant and this complaint needs to move forward to expose and correct the problems.
CHECK IT OUT: Randi's Love Of Art
My daughter Randi is quite an entrepreneur and wants to share with you her art. She's an amazing little girl and has launched an Etsy shop where friends, family, and those that just love supporting our youth can go and download her art.