Support Chuck Keplar For Clark County Council District 3

May 03, 2024 12:56 am

I have some exciting news to share with you. As you're aware, I frequently stand alone in voting against significant issues, such as opposing increases in impact fees and advocating against expanding County government, such as the $4.4 million remodel of the Elections Department.

That's why I'm thrilled to introduce Chuck Keplar to you, who is running for Clark County Council District 3, and ask for your help in securing his victory. Chuck truly needs OUR support, and just as you supported me in achieving success, I'm reaching out to see if you can help him kick-start his campaign on the right foot. The competition is fierce, with his Democratic opponent being a left-leaning social justice advocate who, like Sue Marshall, will likely vote in favor of every tax increase and promote extensive growth of our county government.

Every bit helps but let him know we are behind him... $50, $100 or more will help him tremendously ($2,000 individual max).

CLICK HERE To Help Chuck Keplar Start His Campaign

Here's a little more information that recently was shared by Reform Clark County...

Chuck Keplar Endorsed And Running For Clark County Council District 3image

Chuck Keplar might seem like an ordinary guy, but his impact goes beyond the surface. In 2023, he ran for the Evergreen School Board, defying expectations by spending less than $1,500 yet securing an impressive 46% of the vote, coming close to unseating an incumbent. His dedication is evident in his strong stance on creating safer neighborhoods and reducing the tax burden for working families in Clark County.

Beyond his political endeavors, Chuck is a devoted father to eight children, six of whom are foster kids. He also contributes to the community by coaching football and has served as an associate pastor at EastPark Church, where he remains an active member.

Chuck is gearing up for another campaign, targeting D3 voters who are eager for a Councilor who prioritizes their interests over bureaucratic agendas. Contrary to Councilor Bowerman, Chuck promises to oppose new taxes, explore avenues for spending cuts, help get more SRO's (Sheriff Resource Officers) in schools and vigorously oppose tolls and frivolous expenditures.

