For Immediate Release: Belkot Wins Clark County District Two

Nov 17, 2022 8:53 pm

imageNovember 17, 2022

For immediate release: Michelle Belkot Declares Victory In Clark County Council District 2 Race

Yesterday, the Clark County Elections Department reported Michelle Belkot expanded her lead over Chartisha Roberts by 3,432 votes, and with only 1,700 ballots left to count, clinches the District 2 Council seat.

Michelle Belkot thanked her supporters with “Thank you to the 40+ fantastic volunteers, including many families and children, generous donors, and District 2 voters! My campaign wouldn’t have been successful without your help, and voter numbers certainly reflected that. People want action, and I clearly articulated solutions and our community responded.”

Belkot’s Campaign Manager, Rob Anderson, stated “We ran a campaign based on commonsense values of less government overreach, lower taxes, tough on crime by supporting Deputies, and an overall approach of being really honest with voters on Michelle’s positions. Voters are tired of getting happy talk with no action. Michelle was refreshingly honest with voters sharing her experience and how she plans to tackle the county's challenges, and the voters responded favorably.”

Once sworn in at the beginning of the year, Michelle will get to work on the actions she promised, and the voters now expect. Those actions include raising awareness of the mostly ignored drug crisis; supporting the police to help bring down crime, and beginning to evaluate homeless services with a “reduction-based” strategy.

For more information: Rob Anderson, Campaign Manager 360-607-0898
