Hearing Video Released - Patriots United Event Coming Soon - Election Department Expansion Update

Aug 25, 2023 12:36 am

Hearing Video Released: Watch Full Hearing Or Sectionsimage

WATCH: Introduction to my arguments (CLICK HERE)


WATCH: The Full Video (CLICK HERE)

This is an hour long and contains my arguments the State's defense, the judge's follow-up questions, and my rebuttal to the State.


WATCH: Busted! The State admits no harm to the county after trying to argue County Auditor was harmed (CLICK HERE)

One of my arguments was that the State's decision to dismiss my HAVA complaint was disproportionate because no harm occurred, and the copy of the complaint was simply a courtesy copy. The State argued that the County was denied the ability to "prepare a response." But the judge pressed the State and AAG Range, the plaintiff's attorney, and she had to admit the truth.


Keeping Track of The Lies the State Has Asserted to Make Questions of Election Problems Go Away

  • The State (Deputy Secretary of State Bolerjack) lied about my submitted complaint to have it dismissed by stating that I didn't include my phone number or have the complaint notarized.
  • The State (Assistant to the Attorney General Bob Fergusson) lied to the judge that I was improperly challenging the rule hoping to get my Petition of Review thrown out on a technicality.
  • Finally, the State (Assistant to the Attorney General) lied to the judge stating that the County Auditor was harmed when in reality he wasn't in any way denied any legal action, or in other words, no harm was done.

STILL waiting for the judge's decision...


Patriots United Presents: The Great Northwest Awakening – Saturday, October 21st inside the Clark County Event Center near the Clark County Amphitheater (inclement weather won't make a difference being inside). Are you fed up with: Public Schools becoming Government Schools, Churches not standing up for our 1st Amendment that protects our freedom of faith and speech, Government overreach on our Health decisions, Parents' Rights, and our 2nd Amendment with our Right to protect ourselves!

Register Here For Tickets: www.PatriotsUnitedWA.com

This Full Day Event includes a Full Concert from Ryan Weaver's band! Ryan, 21 year Army Veteran Blackhawk pilot, two time Gold Star family member turned Country Music Star. Speakers include: Conservative Comedians Tim Young and Bobby Sauce, Lindsey Graham “ThePatriotBarbie”, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Captain Seth Keshel, Rep. Jim Walsh, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Josh Scott, and more. This will be a massive day of Unity amongst We The People. We have way more that Unites us than Divides us. The day will be packed with real solutions to help make a real difference locally. 

Tickets sold online at www.PatriotsUnitedWA.com

Save on Tickets to The Great Northwest Awakening presented by PatriotsUnited! (Ridgefield, WA)

Current and Veteran Military, current and retired Law Enforcement, current and retired Corrections Officers, current and retired First Responders, current or retired Teachers will Receive $15 off their ticket. 

Use the following code: PUWVETLAW

Save 50% on Front Row seats for a limited time use code: PUWFRONTROW

Save 17.76% on Tickets use code: PUW1776

Register Here For Tickets: 



If you have a business and want to become a sponsor of this incredible event where thousands of patriots will be attending, contact me and I'll send you sponsorship info. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME FOR SPONSOR INFO

County Council Approves "Earmark" Of ARPA Funds For Elections Expansionimage

This week the Clark County Council approved funds to be earmarked for Auditor Kimsey's request to remodel and expand the elections department. This isn't an approval of the project but to only "earmark" the ARPA funds. It appears that the special meeting to discuss this proposal will stay on track for some time in October, but we have to keep an eye on this because Greg Kimsey is working hard behind the scenes to push this through. Councilor Medvigy, Marshall, and Jung approved while Councilor Belkot did not support the effort to move this forward.

It would've been better to further stall Kimsey's efforts with his funding losing its designation in the continued ARPA spending which the county just continues to spend on itself and not really apply the money to help people recover from the disastrous lockdowns (isn't that what it was for??).


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