Election Training For Election Observers Now from June 15th -

Jun 03, 2022 4:06 pm

Election Training for Election Observers Is ONLY From NOW TO JUNE 15th!


Don't expect others to be involved so you don't have to. Get involved and become an Election Observer now. All you have to do is watch this video and email four secret words provided throughout the video and you'll become an election observer. This training closes on June 15th so you need to watch the training video that is just under an hour long. So, watch the video & then email them the four “secret” words and you’ll be set as an election observer.

Click Here to watch the video to become an election observer

Then email them at elections@clark.wa.gov

Patriots United Event MOVED TO A NEW LOCATION For June 21st Event


Clark County and WA State have some very important decisions to make over the next 5 months! This evening will allow the citizens of Clark County the opportunity to hear directly from each of the conservative candidates running for City or County Council, Sheriff, and Congress including Legislature. Each of these candidates want to earn our vote and represent our majority voice. As a 501c-3 Patriots United is not endorsing any candidates. This event is imperative to making an informed decision about who will do the best job representing We The People.

The following candidates have confirmed attendance already and you will hear from: Heidi St. John, Joe Kent, Vicki Kraft, Hannah Joy, John Horch, Rey Reynolds, Dick Rylander, Don Benton, Doug Coop, Michelle Belkot and more.

They've moved the event to a bigger venue location at the RV Inn Style Resort Convention Center.

Click Here For FREE Tickets


You are invited to the following course:


Title: So You Want to Make a Difference?

When: Saturday, June 4, 10:00 am - noon

Where: US Digital, 1400 NE 136th Ave, Vancouver, WA

This two-hour course will introduce you to the role, eligibility, qualifications, and duties of the precinct community officer (PCO). It demystifies the various election boundaries and the two committees that every PCO belongs to. The various meetings PCOs should attend are discussed and the course includes a high-level overview of the purpose of parliamentary procedures for meetings. Finally, the course shows the different ways a person can become a PCO and what their term of office is.

This course is targeted at the following three types of people:

  1. New PCOs and PCO candidates
  2. PCO-curious folks who have heard about PCOs and have an interest in becoming a PCO, but they aren’t quite sure what they do
  3. People who have never heard of a PCO, but they are tired of getting angry at the news stories of our country’s decline and they want to help make a difference, but don’t know how

The course is free. Hope to see you there. If you have questions send email to ghacker007@gmail.com

