Mini-Initiative Hearing Anniversary - Vote NO on VPS Levy - CCRW Oscar Night

Feb 11, 2023 12:06 am


February 2023 marks the first anniversary of the historic Mini-Initiative that collected 11,505 signatures calling on the Clark County Council to pass an ordinance to ban all mandates that discriminate against one's medical health status or right to medical health privacy.

On February 1st, 2022, the people forced the County Councilors to take up this important that so many in Clark County were facing during Inslee's endless mandates.

I gave public comment on Tuesday to remind the Council of the first anniversary of the Mini-Initiative hearing (2/1/2022) where our local government, mostly made up of Republicans, ignored 11,505 citizens petitioning them to ban mandates that discriminate against one medical health status or right to medical health privacy.

We the people succeeded in getting in the room but the elite-minded were annoyed and effectively told the plebs to pound sand. Since then, we put Olsen into retirement and won’t stop until we have a Council that serves the people, not the ruling elite bureaucrats.


Watch my public comments HERE




Leftist vandals who want to protect their indoctrination centers (public schools) are destroying the "Vote NO" as fast as we put them back up. But we will not concede to their thuggery and lawlessness. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO REPLACE AND NOT GIVE UP informing the public on why they should vote no.

Please donate HERE at so we keep repairing or replacing them to combat these Marxist tactics.



In the Spring of 2022, a federally appointed "Disinformation Governance Board" was established to censor speech that was unapproved by. That plan was apparently paused.  

This legislative session, WA State Attorney General Bob Ferguson has authored SHB 1333, Domestic Violent Extremism, to create a WA state-level censorship program to regulate the speech of WA residents.

A report was prepared for the AG office that explains more about the kind of speech that would not be allowed.

Categories of forbidden speech mentioned in a report supporting the bill include speaking about: Election Fraud, Anti-Critical Race Theory speech, Anti Masks, and Vaccines speech, or anti-LBTQ speech.

Activities that could be deemed extreme include protests and disruptions at school board meetings, pride events or drag queen story hours. Would public comments at a School Board, Library Board, or Health Board meeting be considered disruptive if people share concerns about public policies or practices? 

We The Governed posted an informative report on the bill here 

On Monday, Feb 13, at 4 PM, there is a hearing on SHB 1333 Domestic Violent Extremism in the WA state House of Representatives, the Appropriations committee. To register a position on the bill, or to testify remotely or in person, residents must sign in and submit a position by 3 PM. This link provides details for residents to participate in the hearing.


Get tickets HERE


Jeremy Baker has recently gotten involved with Read Northwest which is a nonprofit organization here in Clark County dedicated to promoting literacy in our local elementary schools, currently focusing on Kindergarten - Third grade. The program is really simple, they are recruiting volunteers to commit about 30 minutes of their time each week during the school year to be a reading buddy to a child in need. The program is really quite rewarding for the volunteer but also is a huge benefit to the child who not only gets the help they need but also sees that someone cares for them.

Here are their current needs.

  • Vancouver School District
  • Sacajawea Elementary – no needs. We are fully staffed
  • Washington Elementary – needs two more volunteers
  • Fruit Valley Elementary – we have 5 of the 40 volunteers needed

The goal is to get into the other elementary schools in the county as we get more volunteers. The last few years have been terrible for the kids. Jeremy's hope is to get those 37 slots filled ASAP so they can begin to get into those other schools. Anyone can sign up to volunteer on the website, there they can choose the school they want to help (we are also in the Camas and Washougal school districts and are hoping to get into the Evergreen School District next.

They are also looking for one volunteer coordinator for this effort. The task job is really simple, they train, deploy, and connect the reading buddies with the school and the children. It is no more than 20 hours per week with some weeks less. Really this is a job for someone who really loves kids and wants to help them succeed. The pay is $30 per hour. If someone is interested have them call me.


Jeremy Baker

P: (360) 261-2601

CHECK IT OUT: Randi's Love Of Artimage

My daughter Randi is quite an entrepreneur and wants to share with you her art. She's an amazing little girl and has launched an Etsy shop where friends, family, and those that just love supporting our youth can go and download her art. Use this promo code (yes, she created a promo code... what nine-year-old does this???) REFORM10 to get a 10% discount.

Click HERE to check it out



“YOU are the catalyst for reform”
