Plan To Attend Julie Olson's Early Retirement Party This Tuesday At 6PM

Oct 17, 2022 1:11 am

Come Out & Celebrate Julie Olson's Early Retirement Partyimage

What happened when 11,505 Clark County residents (representing over 10% of all those who voted during the Nov '21 election) petitioned the Clark County Council to ban all mandates that discriminate against one's medical health status? Temple Lentz took to Facebook and spewed misinformation thanks inpart by our tax dollar-funded Prosecuting Attorney's office. But it was Councilor Olson who quickly moved to reject the Mini-Initiative which the rest of the Councilors' followed, except Chair Eileen. At the February 1st hearing, the citizens of Clark County got a front-row seat to how their local government clearly works... those elected no longer serve the public but only the bureaucratic state. Even though the Councilors are elected, especially to impose the citizens' supervision on the bureaucracies and government, our elected, both Republican and Democrat, have forgotten or chosen to forsake their duty to the citizenry.image

As a result, we have tirelessly worked to bring about reform. It has taken on many forms and avenues of approach but the first that needed to feel the consequences of their fateful decision was Julie Olson, the one who made the motion to ignore the people. So, when the opportunities came, we recruited a candidate to run in D2... moved to have the CCRP censure her, and eventually get her redistricted out of her comfy D2 where she could just put up a few signs and get easily reelected. Make no mistake, she was planning to run again because she opened up an account with the PDC for a future run for a "Clark County Councilor" role (so her response that she only intended to serve two terms is an absolute lie).image

So, along with a hearing from Joe Kent, Michelle Belkot, and Brett Simpson, I'll be giving a short Reform update but we'll come together to celebrate the early retirement of Julie Olson. Ms. Olson demonstrated a record of ignoring her constituents repeatedly yet seemingly and dutifully serving the wishes of the County employees, unelected bureaucrats, and those of the Democrat party like Gov. Jay Inslee. Olson is the first domino to fall... others will make a turnaround or will follow a similar political fate.

Come out This Tuesday to celebrate and look to the future of how we can continue to reform Clark County.

We'll Be At A Different Location & Time:

Salmon Creek Grange: 1900 NE 154th St., Vancouver 6-8PM




The Home Rule Charter has taken away power from the people and given it to an unelected bureaucracy and the administrative state here in Clark County. Last year, hardly anyone educated voters to let them know that the Home Rule Charter Committee was made up mostly ALL LEFTIST DEMOCRATS and they wanted to little-by-little take more power away from the people. Go to for more info and start spreading the word now... REJECT ALL SIX RESOLUTIONS!... VIDEOS COMING SOON


Join Patriots United and Brett Simpson for a screening of 2000 Mules. This documentary produced by Dinesh D'Souza is an in-depth look at the evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election. We will hear from Brett Simpson about our local election, as well as a Q&A time.


When: Thursday, October 27th

6:00PM to 8:30PM

**Arrive at 5:45PM for Parking

Where: RV Inn Style Convention Center

7607 NE 26th Ave, Vancouver WA 98665

Register on the Patriots United website, you can find it here.


Make a difference in this election & meet Don Benton and his team at Roseauers Grocery in Ridgefield this Saturday at 10am!


“Elections are won and lost NOW”
