STOP SHB 1333 “Domestic Violent Extremism”

Feb 13, 2023 1:05 am


In the Spring of 2022, a federally appointed "Disinformation Governance Board" was established to censor speech that was unapproved by. That plan was apparently paused.  

This legislative session, WA State Attorney General Bob Ferguson has authored SHB 1333, Domestic Violent Extremism, to create a WA state-level censorship program to regulate the speech of WA residents.

A report was prepared for the AG office that explains more about the kind of speech that would not be allowed.

Categories of forbidden speech mentioned in a report supporting the bill include speaking about: Election Fraud, Anti-Critical Race Theory speech, Anti Masks, and Vaccines speech, or anti-LBTQ speech.

Activities that could be deemed extreme include protests and disruptions at school board meetings, pride events or drag queen story hours. Would public comments at a School Board, Library Board, or Health Board meeting be considered disruptive if people share concerns about public policies or practices? 

We The Governed posted an informative report on the bill here 

On Monday, Feb 13, at 4 PM, there is a hearing on SHB 1333 Domestic Violent Extremism in the WA state House of Representatives, the Appropriations committee. To register a position on the bill, or to testify remotely or in person, residents must sign in and submit a position by 3 PM. This link provides details for residents to participate in the hearing.

 (For more information on that bill, please click here.)

It’s time for all hands on deck to oppose this bill.

One legislator told us that the only way to stop this bill is with an immense outpouring of objection; we must flood the phone lines and show up en masse. Please email the key committee members with one click, here, as we must stop this bill from moving. Please consider inserting a sentence at the beginning of the form message expressing your concern.


There are many other ways to make your position known, as well. The first and easiest is to register CON. We need thousands of these!

  1. Register your CON position by completing the form HERE.
  2. At THIS LINK, select the Appropriations Committee and the 02/13/23 4:00 PM Meeting from the drop-down menus; select “SHB 1333 Domestic violent extremism,” then register to testify in person or remotely, and/or submit a written comment. After you complete one option, you can return to this screen to complete another.
  3. Attend the public hearing at House Hearing Room A on Monday, February 13, at 4:00 PM.

Thank you for taking action! Please share this message with friends, family, neighbors, and anyone else you can think of. We need thousands of responses by noon on Monday!


“YOU are the catalyst for reform”
