Michelle Belkot Announces Campaign Making Her A Clear Front-Runner For Clark County Council District Two

May 02, 2022 4:20 pm


May 2, 2022

For Immediate Release

Committee to Elect Michelle Belkot Michelle Belkot

Phone Number: (360) 521-6682



Michelle Belkot Announces Campaign Making Her A Clear Front-Runner For Clark County Council District Two

VANCOUVER, WA – A long-time resident of Vancouver and a current 24-year military officer (Lieutenant in the Navy) is announcing that she’s running for the Clark County Council in District 2, Councilor Julie Olson’s former district, because “change is long overdue for District 2” says Belkot.

Michelle is a civil servant, with over twenty years of experience in acquisition and procurement of multi-million-dollar construction and architect and engineering contracts; ready to bring this desperately needed experience to the Council. She’s a mother of two sons, married to Dennis for sixteen years, and Michelle is planning to give the great people of District 2 back their seat at the Council table.

Michelle is running to address the homeless camping crisis that is turning Clark County into Portland; something that Michelle will fight to turn around. Prioritizing Public Safety, having well-trained and fairly compensated deputies, along with finding real solutions to our transportation and traffic issues, puts Clark County residents first. Portland politicians or bloated government projects that just want to expand light rail, are not priorities for Clark County.

Michelle is ready to put her school board run in the Vancouver School District to work and get elected this year so she can restore the “people’s voice” back to the County Council. She will leverage her attention to detail to find solutions to help lower housing costs, lower taxes, and bring relief during this near-historic inflation were all experiencing.

“As your representative, I am committed to resolving problems, in an effort to minimize the negative pandemic impacts from the last two years. If elected, I will be an ethical, transparent, and always a community-based member of the Clark County Council. I’ve proudly served our Country, and now I’d appreciate the opportunity to serve my County.”



Representing People Over Politics
