Benton Recount Results - Patriots United Event with Semi Bird This Week

Dec 13, 2022 3:55 am

No Workshop This Week... Come To The Patriots United Event Instead This Thursday (New workshop days will be announced around the first of the year)



Results of Don Benton Recount & Analysis


The manual recount has wrapped up and the results are in. Before we go into the results, this recount was a partial recount of about a dozen precincts of over 70+ precincts. The Elections Department had to pull out ballots of the boxes that were the "batches" that ran through the machines. So, for example, if a certain box or batch had only 5 votes of these dozen precincts within, then those ballots would be pulled out of those boxes and set aside for hand recount.

The results of the manual recount show that the certified results are mostly accurate. However, the machines did miss two votes, ballots where the barcode was folded. Two votes might not seem like a lot but when you consider that only 9,500 ballots were recounted, one has to consider how many more errors like this could occur among the 207,000 ballots. This type of error wouldn't result in any changes of outcomes, possibly 40 ballot differences, but it does conclusively show that the MACHINES DO MAKE MISTAKES.

However, it's important to note that the final results are mostly accurate for the ballots that were cast. Does this mean that all is up and up? Not necessarily, but it does eliminate, in this election, that the tabulator machines were used to cheat or change outcomes. Election Integrity is of utmost importance but it'll be a long game to figure out how the system is being exploited to select rather than elect candidates. My suspicions lie further upstream with mail-in ballots and bloated voter rolls. At the very minimum, bloated voter rolls and mail-in ballots are being used to increase "low-information" voters (a term Rush Limbaugh coined describing those who just go along with what they hear on the news and other media outlets rather than look deeper into what's really happening). As a result, Democrats, especially those aligned with a more Leftist or one-party rule agenda, can be more easily elected because of the increased percentage of low-information voters that are just following along with what they are being told to vote for.

As a result, we need to consider a more strategic approach when talking about and to educate the public regarding Election Integrity. The great work that has been done and is being done by the Election Integrity Team must continue and I do believe are preventing cheating efforts from expanding, possibly like what happened in 2020 when fewer eyeballs were on the system.

Our efforts need to expand to voter rolls and mail-in ballots. However, in the meantime, we can't give up ground and lose elections like what we saw this time around. One factor to consider is how many votes were suppressed because conservatives gave up because they no longer believe that their vote mattered. Based on my analysis, our gameday voter turnout was less than stellar and about 30k votes shy of what I expected. If those 30k extra voters had shown up, Joe Kent and Don Benton would have won easily.

Another factor was the "Red Wave" hype that possibly flipped urgency to the democrats and possibly resulted in republicans not seeing that their vote was as important because of the false notion that the certainty of the "Red Wave" was going to happen and carry us to a victory.

My theory that the voter manipulation is happening further upstream (mail-in ballots with bloated voter rolls), fits with how Michelle Belkot still managed to win. Michelle's campaign implemented a rigorous strategy of informing voters directly, possibly short-circuiting low-information sources, by hanging informative literature educating voters on Michelle and her opponent, information that the media was refusing to report. For example, Belkot's opponent was a supporter of BLM and was supported by BLM during the previous year's school board race. This was an important piece of information when crime and public safety were a high priority for voters.

Future Candidates must ethically paint the contrast between their opponents, work tirelessly to knock on every door as possible (Belkot campaign canvassed 66 precincts and didn't use an app or target republican only houses), and deliver commonsense messages that give as many voters as possible (conservative and moderate/independents) reasons for voting for those candidates that are issues based. Staying on the fringe of arguments isn't enough to win elections. The voters are a spectrum of beliefs and those that connect with more voters will win elections. This doesn't mean that we give up vigilance on Election Integrity efforts but it does mean we engage in a longer game strategy that simultaneously looks to minimize the suppression of conservative voters.

What do you think? Reply back with thoughts on my analysis.

If you'd like to help the Benton manual recount efforts CLICK HERE

If you'd like to help the Kent machine recount efforts CLICK HERE



It’s Time for Commonsense Changes in Washington State! 

We need 400,000 signatures by mid-December to get these 11 critical citizen initiatives to The People for a vote!  

Tables are set up inside Vancouver Mall, downstairs by JC Penney, for gathering signatures for these initiatives.

Volunteers are needed for 4-hour shifts on these dates:

Nov 20 – 11am – 6pmNov 21 – 11am – 8pmNov 22 – 11am – 8pmNov 23 – 11am – 8pmNov 24 - Mall is closedNov 25 – 11am – 8pmNov 26 – 11am – 8pmNov 27 – 11am – 7pmNov 28 – 11am – 8pm

If you have any spare time, please contact Cemal Richards to sign up for a shift: 

Call or text: (916) 225-9708

Note: To make things easier for signers, they will be asked to completely fill out the first initiative, then only sign the other 10 initiatives, and you fill in the rest of their information on those 10 initiatives after they are signed.



