Sign Up for Important Events -More Radio Ads, Signs and Newspaper Ads Coming

Feb 29, 2024 2:25 am

imageGreetings ,

Several community events are coming up (see the list of events coming) and we need your help to sign up and collect signatures. Please check out the list and click on them to sign up for the events today.


While we consider Battle Ground locations a priority, Orchards, Salmon Creek, and Camas/Washougal locations are also very valuable. Your support in these areas will make a difference.

Contact Jenn at to coordinate if you decide to set up a pop-up location. Here's a recommended list:


Chuck's Produce- Hwy 99 is better than Mill Plain but both will work. 

New Seasons 164th (Good democraphics) 




Five Corners

Hazel Dell

NE 2Oth Street (& the old Albertsons)

Sportsmen Warehouse (Orchards)

Rosaurs, Ridgefield. 

Fred Myers 

Salmon Creek (2 doors huge volume)


Fishers Landing

Vancouver Mall (better in bad weather and on weekends)

INTRODUCING: Super Locations, Where You Can Pick Up Extra Petition Sheets & Supplies

You can go to any of these locations to pick up extra sheets and petition supplies:

Bark Ranch - Battle Ground

Punk's Muffler - Hazel Dell

Republican HQ's - Vancouver

Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center - Vancouver

Smokie River Smoked Meats - Camas



Thank you to David Knight for volunteering to put up the new signs. These are being put up at high-traffic areas to help get the word out. The QR code directs folks to our now almost 40 locations.

You are the most important part of our efforts. Without volunteers, the Restore Election Confidence Initiative will not succeed.

Thank you!!

Rob Anderson

Restore Election Confidence Initiative Committee

PS- If you are unable to volunteer your time, please donate to the Restore Election Confidence Initiative by CLICKING HERE

FYI - For Those That Might Have Concerns About The Legality Of The REC

2015 "Honest Elections" Initiative In Seattle Shows It Can Be Done

A very left-leaning citizen-led initiative that targeted election rules and procedures in Seattle demonstrates that the Restore Election Confidence Initiative here in Clark County has a legal runway. Some have tried to say that the REC initiative here in Clark County does too many things and could violate the "one subject" rule of the Constitution. Well, if that's the case, then how many "subjects" did the Honest Elections of Seattle initiative violate? By the way, the Seattle initiative was challenged and the WA Supreme Court deemed it constitutional!!

What did "Honest Elections Seattle" initiative do:

  • Banned campaign contributions from corporations and industries that spend significant funds lobbying the city and corporations with large city contracts.
  • Lowers contribution limits in all city races.
  • Increased fines and penalties for election law violations.
  • Tightens campaign reporting deadlines and increases transparency.
  • Required signature gatherers to disclose if they are being paid.
  • Closed the “revolving door” of top officials becoming lobbyists after leaving office.
  • An innovative public finance program that will give voters four $25 “Democracy Vouchers” to donate to the qualified candidates of their choice, encouraging political participation by a broader set of Seattleites and allowing candidates to finance their campaigns with small donations instead of relying on the city’s wealthiest people and special interests.
  • Spending caps for candidates that participate in the public finance program.
