Primary Results - Election Wrap Up Video - Patriots United Election Integrity Event

Aug 11, 2022 3:25 am


Joe Kent - WA-3image

Tiffany Smiley - US SENATORimage

Jeremy Baker - WA REP 49thimage

Don Benton - District 5image

Michelle Belkot - District 2image

Brett Simpson - Auditorimage

Rey Reynolds - Sheriffimage

Nancy Barnes - PUDimage

Watch My Election Wrap-Up Videoimage

Get the (mostly) final results and my analysis on some of the behind the scenes aspects and what to look for as we head into the general election.

imagePatriots United Election Integrity Event In September!

Join Patriots United, Seth Keshel, Glen Morgan & Dr. Douglas Frank as we talk about Election Integrity and Transparency in Clark County.

This event will be focused around Election Integrity and Transparency giving Clark County citizens updates on the information available after the primary, how we can protect against Election fraud in the general election, what we have done to make a difference in Southwest WA and WA State over the last 9 months!

We have to do our part as We The People to be informed and take action. This will be an incredible event! We look forward to seeing you there.

Arrive by 5:45pm-6pm for best parking!


“Elections are won and lost NOW”
