TOMORROW 3/9: BOH Planning To Vote on Vax Resolution - Clark County Election Integrity & MORE

Mar 09, 2022 3:26 am


The resolution to promote vaccines in Clark County as "safe and effective" was first urged by representatives of 2 area hospitals and the Vancouver Clinic at the Jan 26, 2022 Board of Health meeting.

At the last Board of Health meeting of Feb 23, 2022 Councilor Medvigy brought forward the resolution to the BOH to vote for, and a nurse testified in favor of it. Council Chair Bowerman deferred the vote until the next BOH meeting which is tommorrow, Wed. March 9 at 9 AM.

However the resolution is not on the agenda for the Board of Health meeting, it is moved to Council time, where no public comment is accepted. It's unclear why this BOH resolution previously discussed during BOH meetings is not on the BOH agenda, which does not appear transparent.

Residents only opportunity to speak to the Board of Health about this resolution is during public comments at the Wed. Mar 9, 9 AM BOH meeting. 

See this link for how to comment furing the BOH meeting via phone 

[Thank you Margaret Tweet for providing this info]

imageAs a direct result of the Mini-Initiative that called on the Clark County Council to ban ALL MANDATES THAT DISCRIMINATE... how does Councilor Medvigy respond? Does he make a resolution to support citizens that are being discriminated because they've survived Covid and don't want to take a shot? Does he reach out an olive branch to the 11,505 people that signed?

NO... Councilor Medvigy put forward a ridiculous resolution proposal that brought praise and adulation from the Left and the pro-discrimination medical tyranny crowd. In fact, this resolution was brought to him by a Leftist Democrat that has openly advocated that the Board of Health should only have medical professionals, which would further dismantle representative control over the Public Health of Clark county.

Here are some of the highlights of the resolution...

"Get vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing COVID-19 illness."

  • YET, Now 7.2 out of 10 in WA who get infected are partially or fully vaccinated.

"Clark County Council and Board of Health fully endorse and support the 'Recommendations for Schools'"

  • YET, Not one child or teenager in Clark County has died of Covid and they ignore the massive damage that has incurred to our children all in the name of COVID protection.

"Clark County Public Health is a consistent source of current information"

  • YET, Over and over again CCPH has mislead the public with convoluted definitions that twist data (like Covid deaths, hospitalizations, etc) and omit vital information to the public that would give a fuller and broader perspective.

This Resolution is a complete slap in the face to those that called on the CCC to stop medical discrimination by mandating the vaccine!

Watch Board of Health live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)

Livestream from your personal computer,

Join by computer:

Join by phone: Dial: 1-408-418-9388

Access Code: 2482 396 0698

Hit # and *, 3 to "raise your hand" to make a 3min comment


Tickets are going quickly to our upcoming event on March 16th, 2022! We will have a special guest at this event. We currently have numerous gaps of accountability in our local elections in Clark County and WA State that have lead to voter fraud. We need to restore the confidence of Clark County and WA State citizens with the credibility, integrity, and transparency of our elections. At this event we will take a detailed look at the analytics of how voter fraud seeps into our elections and we will provide complete clarity on how we will stop this once and for all.


Seth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method is known worldwide and has been recognized by President Donald Trump. Seth is active in conservative grassroots efforts in Texas and lives in Fort Worth.

Watch this short video from Seth to learn more! 

Seth Keshel, Election Integrity Specialist
We will also share updates on what’s happening in our Public Schools and the latest on the first ever Mini-Initiative petition in Clark County to protect Clark County citizens rights from discriminating mandates. We will be asking for a suggested donation of $10/person at this event that helps us cover the production costs, venue, speaking fee, and sound engineer. It’s truly a pleasure to be serving Clark County and together we will completely eliminate disengagement in Clark County! You can register here and tickets will be limited and go quickly. See you there!
Register Here


Join us on Tuesday March 15th as we Connect, Learn and Engage regarding what can be done in Clark County to restore our Constitutional Republic and reform so "We The People" are heard and get in the drivers seat in our local government.


