Clark County Council Is Doing It Again - ReformClarkCounty Launches

Apr 29, 2022 7:36 pm

Temple Lentz Drags Out The Redistricting Drama

imageThe Clark County Council has passed through all the deadlines and now is once again bringing up a map that was drawn outside of the process described by the RCW's because of a motion by Temple Lentz. The RCW's are clear, the new map needs to be created by a redistricting committee and then the Council would need to approve it. The Council can make modifications but they can't just eliminate a part of the requirements via having the staff create a whole new version... which is what they did.

Now, if this sounds familiar, you're aren't crazy. They brought this map up last week and it was rejected but because Temple Lentz flipped from supporting the B2 map to voting against it, only to flip again in the same meeting to vote for it... then surprisingly this week flipped again to vote against it.

What is going on???

My possible theories are:

  1. Julie Olson is going to "change her mind" and run after all if she can stay in District Two.
  2. The Democrats have a candidate or two that need the new "staff" created map in order to run.
  3. Just create chaos to keep others off balance.

I think it's probably theory #2 with #1 close behind... we'll see

Overall, we have to remind the Councilors that they should NOT ADOPT A MAP THAT ISN'T LEGALLY DRAWN UP (I can't believe we have to remind them of this). Maps are created by the redistricting committee, modified and approved by the Council.


  • Adopt a map that is properly created (by the committee) and follows the RCW criterion.
  • Don't adopt a "staff" created map which is outside the bounds of RCW process to how maps are created.
  • Tell Temple Lentz to quit flip-flopping and support the B2 map like she did in the beginning and put her politics aside.
  • Tell R's to hold the line... don't cave to them and if it means waiting until the 5th District Councilor then so be it.

Participate in the following ways:

Dick Rylander Picked By Inslee For District 5!

image Launches


We are refocusing the ClarkCountyGroup, the Petition effort, to a REFORM effort here in Clark County. We have over 4,000 people that signed up to get emails during the petition run and ultimately this showed us lots of people in the County want representation and the petition revealed that we desperately need reform.

Please check out the new website and get behind the REFORM efforts here in Clark County.


Penny got her stitches out and got a great report on her progress. The surgeon said, “Whatever you're doing keep doing it.”

Well, the hardest thing is to keep her calm and not going into crazy-pants puppy mode. We’re about a week away from an x-ray exam to check on how the bone is healing.

Thank you so much for helping with her costs. We’re about 35% of the way of the costs of the orthopedic surgery. We need your continuing support. Thank you!!!
