County Caught Manipulating Ballot Titles - Winco Wants To Fight - Ethics Commission Appeal Update - Recount Begins

Aug 24, 2024 1:31 am

imageCAUGHT: Manipulating Ballot Title & Explanation Statements For Charter Amendments

I've been working on the "against" statements for two proposed Charter Amendments that Auditor Kimsey is pushing forward. One amendment seeks to revamp the redistricting process, shifting control from a bipartisan committee to the County Council, effectively placing power in the hands of whichever party controls the Council at the time. The other amendment will fundamentally alter how initiatives are processed and reviewed, expanding the PA officer's authority to prohibit certain initiative subjects and potentially requiring biased statements from government officials about cost estimates and legal opinions. In essence, if this initiative amendment is approved, only initiatives endorsed by a few government officials are likely to succeed in Clark County. image

The big news is that while reviewing the explanation statements and ballot titles, which will appear in the voters' pamphlet and on the ballot, I was shocked by how manipulated they are—completely non-compliant with state law. Both explanation statements and ballot titles omit significant details about the changes that would occur if these amendments are approved. They mislead voters about what these amendments actually do and use biased language to sway voters in favor of both measures.

NEW DEVELOPMENTS: After entering discussions with the PA's office on Monday, which yielded little progress, I filed an appeal as a last-ditch effort—nothing to lose, but it could add pressure to ensure the explanation statements and ballot titles are accurate and compliant with state law.

Although my appeal was denied, I managed to secure several changes to both explanation statements and ballot titles—about 70% of the issues have been addressed.

imageEthics Complaint Appeals Dismissed: County Denies Due Process

Last year, I filed the first of two Ethics Complaints against elected County officials. However, in June, the Ethics Commission dismissed both complaints, and I'm now appealing that decision—not because I disagree with the outcome, but because of how the complaints were dismissed. The initial review should determine if the complaints I filed MAY result in an ethics violation, not if the violation occurred, but if, assuming all the facts are accurate, a reasonable person might conclude that an ethics violation may have occurred. This makes sense, right? No one wants frivolous complaints wasting time. However, the Ethics Commission appears to have bypassed normal procedures, essentially adjudicating the complaints and determining that they didn’t meet the standards for ethics violations. The problem is, that wasn’t their job at that stage. Without investigation, testimony, or fact-finding, almost any complaint can be dismissed using this approach.

The attorneys representing the County had to hire outside legal counsel because one of my complaints was against the PA's office. They argued that I had no right to appeal simply because they chose not to include an appeal process in the administrative procedures. Imagine that—denying due process rights by omitting the option altogether. That’s not how our system is supposed to work, and the judge agreed that this was a troubling development, echoing my concerns that people are entitled to due process. The Ethics Commission, under the guidance of unelected bureaucrats, has created a system where their decisions are shielded from fair scrutiny and correction if needed. The judge ultimately dismissed my case—not because of its merits, but because there’s no legal avenue available, or jurisdiction to do so. This is despite the Ethics Commission Chair, Adam Murray, stating in a May 9, 2023, meeting that there would be an avenue for appeal through administrative law. Apparently, that was just something he said but didn't really mean.


As many of you know, Winco served me with legal papers while we were gathering signatures for the Restore Election Confidence initiative—probably an attempt to chill signature gathering countywide. A person collecting signatures stood in front of a Winco store. I always advised against collecting signatures at Winco because of past legal cases, which could cause problems. But Winco sees this as an opportunity to get a ruling that could impact future signature gathering throughout the state.


Over the last few months, I’ve been in dialogue with Winco’s attorney, who indicated that we probably wouldn’t go much further with the case and would work out an agreed judgment. He was supposed to send me papers for review, but then he went dark.

However, God's hand was guiding me because while I was on Zoom for my other hearing about the ethics complaints, the judge suddenly called, "Winco Foods v. Robert Anderson." After a double-take, I let the judge know I was present but wasn’t expecting this. The Winco attorney then claimed I wasn’t cooperating in reaching an agreement, which was completely false. I told the judge that was not true and that I had emails to prove Winco hadn’t been acting in good faith.

As a result, if Winco wants a fight, they’ve got one. I will hire an attorney ASAP and mount a vigorous defense because I now have little doubt that this case isn’t just about me—it’s about shutting down signature gatherings across the state.



Recount Begins Tomorrow - Please Help Observe!

The recount will be for all candidates for the Commissioner of Public Lands, unless some of the candidates opt out. Sue Kuehl Pederson has requested our help as observers.

The Elections Office has been very clear that they value our participation, particularly during the manual hand count. Humans are prone to making a mistake by placing a ballot in the wrong pile. This actually happened in a recent hand count test. It can be particularly true if all 7 candidates opt to have their ballots recounted. We have been instructed us to raise our hand if we see, or think we see any kind of mistake. The value is that mistakes caught during the process will avoid having to redo an entire precinct batch. In that regard, it will be more advantageous to watch a group which is not being watched by any other observer. Note that, if the manual count does not match the machine count, they will have to recount again until it either does match or the machine count is proven wrong.

We have been asked by the WSRP and Sue’s Campaign to coordinate the observers. Below is the link to sign up to volunteer. This link is shared with Sue’s campaign.

If you are a Certified Election Observer (CEO), please sign up in the Republican Observer Slots.

If you are not a CEO but you are a registered voter, please sign up in the Sue Kuehl Pederson slots.

If, however, the CEO slots are full, please feel free to sign up in the remaining Sue Kuehl Peterson slots. She will be more than happy to have your support.

Based on the above, our priority for observers will be to have the most observers during the recount, as opposed to the sorting operation which will be done primarily on Saturday, August 24th and Monday August 26th. While the sorting is important, any mistakes here will likely be caught during the manual count. So please keep this in mind when signing up. We are happy to have you sign up for sorting, but the highest value is in the manual count.

It is not possible to tell, in advance, when the sorting process will end and the counting process will start, so I have not labeled those slots separately. I have included Saturday, August 31 in the schedule, but that date will only be used if necessary. The deadline for completion is Tuesday, September 3.

In general, it will not be necessary to call in at the beginning of the process, because operations will likely continue all day each day until near the end. We will endeavor to keep you informed as to when the end of the process is near. If you do wish to call in, the number is ‭(564) 397-2345‬

Please feel free to contact Rick Vermeers with questions.
Rick Vermeers - (509) 981-2122

And finally, thanks for all of your support.

Recount Sign Up
