PRESS RELEASE: Councilor Belkot Endorses Peter Cutile and Chuck Keplar for Clark County Council

Jul 09, 2024 4:36 pm


Councilor Michelle Belkot Endorses Peter Cutile and Chuck Keplar for Clark County Council

Clark County, WA – July 9, 2024

With two Clark County Council seats on the ballot, it is crucial that voters make informed decisions about candidates who will genuinely work for the people. The future of our County is at stake, and we need leaders committed to lowering taxes and listening to the community, rather than rubber-stamping more government spending and unwanted policies. Key issues include standing against family-crushing tolls while seeking reasonable transportation solutions, pivoting our homeless strategies to effectively reduce homelessness, addressing the Growth Management Act for more affordable housing, advocating for citizen and property rights, and ensuring the county government doesn't expand unchecked.

For these reasons, I enthusiastically endorse Peter Cutile and Chuck Keplar for Clark County Council. While several candidates are positioning themselves as conservatives, moderate Republicans, or independents, I know from experience who has the right qualities to serve the people effectively.

Chuck Keplar is running for District 3 to replace Councilor Karen Bowerman. I do not doubt that Chuck is the right person for the job and will stand with me to keep taxes low and advocate for families. As a father of eight, six from the foster care system, Chuck is deeply invested in District 3 at every level. Unlike his opponents, who have only recently moved into the district, Chuck has been raising his family here for decades. He is committed to lowering taxes, opposing tolls, and putting families first.

Peter Cutile is uniquely prepared to replace Councilor Gary Medvigy. His family moved from Romania over forty years ago, and he’s running because he doesn’t like the current direction of our Country and County. Peter will advocate for families and businesses, the backbone of our economy. He’ll champion practical steps to nurture their growth, reject tax hikes and burdensome regulations, and ensure meaningful support for our family businesses. With his realtor experience, Peter understands the importance of cutting through red tape and reducing hidden costs to boost housing supply, stabilize prices, and maintain vibrant communities.

I encourage everyone voting in District 3 to support Chuck Keplar ( and Peter Cutile in District 4 (

Councilor Michelle Belkot




