BIG NEWS: New Petition Coming Soon - CCRP Office Vandalized - Ridgefield's Splash Pad is A Cash Pad

Dec 12, 2023 2:11 am

Ridgefield's New Splash Pad Is A Cash Pad With A $1.2 Million Costimage

Ridgefield's splash pad which started out as a $375k proposed construction project ran off the rails this year to over $1.2 million. Even though the project was promised for the Summer of 2023, potentially costing taxpayers an extra $110k to expedite, it still didn't get done on time.

Wasting money on expediting, paying for sod ($8k) only to rip it out, and then spending about $95k on artificial turf instead, it's easy to see how a proposed $375k project tripled in size.



  • 2021 - $95,000 - Splash Pad Design (proposed in '20 for '21 budget)
  • 2022 - $375,000 - Proposed Construction Costs (proposed in '21 for '22 budget)
  • 2022 - $822,102 - Approved contract for Splash Pad (Sept. '22)
  • 2023 - $1,215,593 - Approved change order to complete project (October '23)

ICYMI: Councilor Sue Marshall, Glen Yung and Karen Bowerman Vote To Raise Your Taxes & OK's Climate Action Plan Consultant


For the second consecutive year, the Clark County Council has decided to burden Clark County taxpayers with increased taxes, despite the ongoing economic challenges faced by many families and the oppressive effects of Bidenflation.

Last year, Sue Marshall was sworn in early, altering the balance with Temple Lentz and Julie Olson to secure a majority in favor of tax hikes. Surprisingly, Councilor Bowerman buckled and cast her vote to raise taxes, while Councilors Medvigy and Belkot stood firm and voted NO.

The pressing question emerges: do "Republicans" still champion the ideals of smaller government and lower taxes as a fundamental platform worth defending? While some may have conceded ground on social issues, it appears that many are still compromising on the fiscal principles that were once common ground for conservatives.

To his credit, Medvigy has maintained consistency in major votes, consistently opposing property tax increases. However, he has voted in favor of initiatives like the Baker Tilly contract, which has and will continue to cost taxpayers millions due to significant wage increases—a study conveniently omitting benefits as a form of wages.

In today's session, the Council also greenlit an $800k contract with a consulting firm for a state-required Climate Action Plan. Although initially covered by grants and contributions from city participants (such as Battle Ground, Camas, Ridgefield, etc.), the catch is that it will need budget funding starting next year and in the years to come. The concern here is that large corporations will wield influence over County and city officials, dictating the implementation of a Climate agenda that also incorporates equity aspects (because, apparently, equity is a significant factor in carbon reduction).

Fortunately, the upcoming elections in the D3 (Bowerman) and D4 (Medvigy) positions next year provide an opportunity to rally support for Belkot. This is crucial for establishing a robust Conservative governance focused on smaller government and lower taxes.

CCRP Office Vandalized!!


These are pictures from the Clark County Republican Party office today (12/11). The party of tolerance is showing the public that they will continue intimidation tactics to continue their quest for power and absolute control.

If you are interested, curious, considering or just know someone who could be a good candidate for an elected office, reach out because we need to find people NOW to run in next year's elections. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME


Stay tuned for a new petition/initiative being filed soon

As you remember, Reform Clark County was born out of the mini-initiative effort of 2021 that collected over 11,000 signatures in less than two months to ban all mandates in Clark County that discriminated against one's medical history or violated health privacy. The mini-initiative was looking to add constitutional scrutiny to Gov. Inslee's mandates that were violating people's rights by forcing mandates that forced people to choose between keeping their jobs by getting vax'd or unvax'd students having to test more often or not be allowed to participate in sports that others, because of health status or being vaccinated, could enjoy.

A new initiative is in the works that would address election concerns that have rippled through both political parties and are contributing to dwindling voter participation... STAY TUNED!!

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