BIG NEWS: Clark County Voting System Fails Federal Standards - Complaint Filed - Vote No On VPS Levy

Jan 16, 2023 8:07 pm

Complaint Filed Against Clark County Auditor With WA SOS: Clark County Voting System Outside Of Federal Accuracy Standardsimage

Last week I filed an official complaint with the Washington Secretary of State that the Clark County voting system is outside federal accuracy standards. My complaint reads:

On December 13th, 2022 the Clark County Canvassing board certified amended results from the November 8th, 2022 election based on a partial hand recount of select precincts of District 5 in Clark County totaling 9,471 ballots.  This partial hand recount revealed a 2 ballot error in which 2 votes were not counted by the voting system.  These amended results reveal an error rate of 0.0211149%.

Likewise, on December 20th, 2022 the Clark County Canvassing board certified amended results from the November 8th, 2022 election based on a full machine recount of US Representative, 3rd Congressional District totaling 207,112.  This machine recount revealed a 14 ballot error in which 14 votes were not counted by the voting system. These amended results reveal an error rate of 0.0067594% 

These results show a clear violation of The Help America Vote Act of 2002 Sec. 301 (5) Error Rates which states “The error rate of the voting system in counting ballots (determined by taking into account only those errors which are attributable to an act of the voter) shall comply with the error rate standards established under section 3.2.1 of the voting systems standards issued by the Federal Election Commission which are in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.”

Voting System Standards by the Federal Election Commission states in section 3.2.1 Accuracy Requirements that “for each processing function indicated above, the system shall achieve a target error rate of no more than one in 10,000,000 ballot positions, with a maximum acceptable error rate in the test process of one in 500,000 ballot positions.”

Based on these standards above, the recent recounts of the November 8th, 2022 election show an error rate grossly above the accepted target rate of one in 10,000,000 (.00001%) or the maximum acceptable error rate of one in 500,000 (.0002%).  The partial hand recount revealed a .002% error rate and the machine recount revealed a .0067594% which are well above both target and maximum error rate standards.

It’s equally troubling that the Clark County Auditor, Greg Kimsey, has not taken any action to date to acknowledge or remedy these unacceptable error rates in the Clark County voting system.

A full audit should take place immediately to reveal the full understanding of error rates throughout the entire voting system and then appropriate remedies should be planned and taken to correct the voting system before the next election.

It's clear, the Clark County voting system, built and led by Auditor Kimsey, is not functioning to Federal standards... not even close. Clark County's voting system needs a deep cleaning and it starts with a full forensic audit by a citizen-based third party to identify all the issues and resolve them quickly to restore our voting system and the voters' confidence.


The complaint that was filed had nothing to do with trying to overturn the outcomes of the latest elections but to expose the problems that were revealed in the recounts. To my knowledge, Kimsey has made no public statements regarding these problems nor has he addressed the seriousness of running a voting system with error rates far above the maximum Federal standards.

Is he hoping we aren't paying attention?


After every election, the Auditor runs a test where he runs 600 ballots through the machines. This means that the current testing can only reveal an error rate of .16%. Yet, the maximum error rate allowed is .0002%. So, this means that our voting system has to break down to a dismal one out of 600 ratio (.16% error rate) before anyone becomes aware of voting system problems.

Thanks to the Benton and Kent recounts, significant problems have been revealed that would have gone unnoticed. Will the Auditor look to dismiss and hope we ignore or will he finally take election confidence seriously and substantively address these concerns and others that many have regarding the voter rolls and a lack of chain of custody of mail-in ballots?

Action has to be taken immediately but Kimsey has stated in the past that he'll only take action under a court order. A hearing could result because of my complaint but we shouldn't wait until this possible outcome.

Click below to join as supporters (like signing a petition) to this complaint and call for action by Kimsey an email and join the online petition to perform a full forensic audit by a citizens-based third party, produce a public report, offer remedies to the problems discovered and then call for more regularly rigorous audits that will truly test the voting system accuracy.



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Chartisha Roberts Admits Guilt

Last month, Chartisha Roberts admitted to violating RCW 42.17A.235 and .240 with a letter to the PDC that is the equivalent of pleading no contest. She admits to failing to file a C-4 reflected in over $10,000 of contributions and expenses.


In her revised C-4 filed, she claimed additional expenditures of almost $7,600 for printing (Morel Ink), $2,200 for paying union for a "contract manager," plus an additional $1,450 in contributions. Put this in context, she only raised and spent around $12,000 for her entire campaign in 2021. This means she failed to disclose 80% of her expenditures.



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