The Photo That Says It All Part 2

Jul 29, 2022 4:21 pm



Highlights of those in the picture: Chartisha Roberts, Hector Hinojosa, John Horch, Dick Rylander, Rick Torres, Greg Cheney, Glen Yung, Temple Lentz, Kim Hamlik, Sharon Wylie, Ty Stober, Chuck Green, Greg Kimsey, Paul Harris, Mike Pond and Jim Mains took the picture.


Notice that the ruling class of Clark County like to appoint and select their representatives rather than letting the people elect them. It also helps to have the man that counts the ballots in the club (Greg Kimsey).

According to PDC filings, several candidates deposited $1000 checks from Michael Lynch around the time the picture was taken... was that reward for coming or the reason for coming?

A high up CCRP official responded with "Is it not okay to have friends from another political party?" Of course it is, but many of those present hold political views that not only run against conservative values but are trying (somewhat succeeding) to tear down our Constitution and our Country. Many of the "uniparty" elected (or selected) have been more hostile to conservatives than Leftist's and have compromised way to too much and watered down so much that they've become "luke-warm" politicians, neither hot or cold.

The problem is too many want to "be friends" more than they want to fight for the values that hold our Constitutional Republic together.

For example, Greg Cheney was the only one on the CCRP Exec committee that voted AGAINST the mini-initiative and when I questioned him about it when he first started running he spouted off a basic Temple Lentz democrat talking point indicating the petition would unfairly restrict business owners. The conversation was rather heated and I'm sure it's been awhile since he voiced direct opposition to democrats (he's in "the picture" and all smiles in-between Rick Torres and Glen Yung) like that. It's funny that when the CCRP voted last Fall and Cheney voted "no" to support the resolution, he made the comment that he couldn't support it because it would just waste tax dollars in legal fees.

imageAnd why is Greg Cheney getting SO MUCH MONEY from a well-known Never-Trumper, David Nierenberg of the Nierenberg Investment Management Company and who was one of Mitt Romney's biggest supporters in the PNW who in 2016 said he was voting for Clinton instead of Trump. Is Nierenberg trying to buy Cheney's seat for him?

Many present in "the photo" like to shroud themselves with dodgy answers and squishy positions statements on issues so they can play many sides and placate whoever they are talking too. The issue is they often only tell those in attendance of these kinds of parties where they really stand.


The Clark County Council is still dealing with the aftermath of having the Republican In Name Only Julie Olson... but now we're dealing with another "republican" that acts and hangs out with Democrats and is pro-abortion, won't support "no tolls" or no llightrail.

What's amazing is the shadow campaign that is happening to help elect unknown candidates and uniparty candidates rather than proven conservatives.


As I mentioned before, here's a post from Kathy McDonald, CCRP Vice Chair, supporting newcomers Kim Hanlik and Rick Torres but we know that Hamlik is pro-abortion, for tolls and lightrail and supports Inslee mandates. Back during the lockdowns the CCRP passed resolutions denouncing Inslee's mandates but now CCRP leaders are supporting candidates that don't have a problem supporting them now.

Plus, Hamlik has Jim Moeller's treasurer on her campaign staff. It's one thing to have Democrats that have crossed over to help or volunteer but to have one of the most uber liberal campaign staff members on your staff and you claim to be a Republican? image

It looks like if Michelle Belkot, Doug Coop & Don Benton don't advance, we could be hard pressed to have solid conservative that will hold their ground on the County Council.

Don't vote for squishy candidates that give slick answers with no substance and send out mixed messages.



I walk through who I voted for, why I voted for them and all the other candidates that are on the ballot that I would vote for if I could.


  • NO on County Prop 11
  • Tiffany Smiley - Senate
  • Heidi St. John - WA 3 Congress
  • Mark Miloscia - Secretary of State
  • Peter Abbarno - 20th Position 1
  • Ed Orcutt - 20th Position 2
  • Peter Van Nortwick - Assessor
  • Brett Simpson - Auditor
  • Scott Weber - Clerk
  • Don Benton - D5 Clark County Council
  • WRITE IN: Angus Lee - Prosecuting Attorney
  • Rey Reynolds - Sheriff
  • WRITE IN: Misty Ray - Treasurer
  • NO on Ridgefield School Levy
  • YES on Fire Rescue Tax

Candidates who I would vote for if I could...

  • Hannah Joy - 17th position 1
  • Earl Bowerman - 17th Pos 2
  • Brad Benton - 18th Pos 2 (Only because John Ley is deemed disqualified )
  • Jeremy Baker - 49th Pos 2
  • Doug Coop - D1 County Council
  • Michelle Belkot - D2 County Council

“Elections are won and lost NOW”
